path: root/ext/persist.lv2/persist.ttl
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1 files changed, 91 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/ext/persist.lv2/persist.ttl b/ext/persist.lv2/persist.ttl
index 1cbbdb7..490e2c1 100644
--- a/ext/persist.lv2/persist.ttl
+++ b/ext/persist.lv2/persist.ttl
@@ -47,38 +47,97 @@ This extension provides a mechanism for plugins to save and restore state
across instances, allowing hosts to save configuration/state/data with a
project or fully clone a plugin instance (including internal state).
-The motivating idea behind this extension is that a plugin instance's state
-is entirely represented by port values and a single key/value dictionary.
-This makes state well-defined and easily manageable by hosts. Keys are URIs,
-avoiding conflicts and allowing the same dictionary to be used to store plugin
-state in any context. Values are typed tagged (by URI mapped integers),
-but otherwise are simple binary blobs.
-This extension defines plugin instance state and provides a mechanism
-for saving/restoring it, but otherwise makes no restrictions on how a
-plugin works with state. For example, other extensions may define dynamic
-ways to control plugin state at runtime. The idea is that <em>all</em>
-plugin state can be represented with a single (conceptual) dictionary.
-This state representation is tried-and-true, universal, and works well with
-many existing technologies. Accordingly, plugins/extensions that deal with
-instance state in any way SHOULD represent it in a way compatible with this
-extension, i.e. URI keys with URI-typed values. Similarly, plugins SHOULD NOT
-use any other mechanism to store/restore state; this <strong>will</strong>
-cause serious problems, don't do it! Note that you can store values of any
-format whatsoever, so if you have an existing state representation to use
-(e.g. XML), simply store it as a single value under some key.
-Files may be persisted using this extension in conjunction with the
-<a href="http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/files">LV2 Files</a> extension.
-Instance state as defined by this extension is RDF compatible, allowing for
-simple and seamless integration with existing technology (LV2 or otherwise).
-An obvious benefit of this is that plugin state can be elegantly described
-in Turtle files; the persist:instanceState predicate is provided for this
-purpose. RDF compatibility is also convenient since LV2 hosts are likely
-to already have mechanisms for working with RDF-style data. Note, however,
-that hosts may store state in any way, and are not required to use any
-specific technology or file format to support this extension.
+Unlike ports, this extension allows plugins to save private state data.
+The motivating ideal behind this extension is for the state of a plugin
+instance to be entirely described by port values (as with all LV2 plugins) and
+a key/value dictionary as defined by this extension. This mechanism is simple,
+yet sufficiently powerful to describe the state of very advanced plugins.
+The "state" described by this extension is conceptually a single key/value
+dictionary. Keys are URIs, and values are typed-tagged blobs of any type.
+The plugin provides a save and restore method for saving and restoring state.
+To initiate a save or restore, the host calls these methods, passing a callback
+to be used for saving or restoring a single key/value pair. In this way, the
+actual mechanism of saving and restoring state is completely abstract from the
+plugin's perspective.
+Because the state is a simple dictionary, hosts and plugins can work with state
+easily (virtually all programming languages have an appropriate dictionary
+type available). Additionally, this format is simple and terse to serialise
+in many formats (e.g. any RDF syntax, JSON, XML, key/value databases such as
+BDB, etc.). In particular, state can be elegantly described in a plugin's
+Turtle description, which is useful for presets (among other things).
+Note that these are all simply possibilities enabled by this simple data
+model. This extension defines only a few function prototypes and does not
+impose any requirement to use a particular syntax, data structure, library,
+or other implementation detail. Hosts are free to work with plugin state
+in whatever way is most appropriate for that host.
+This extension makes it possible for plugins to save private data, but state is
+not necessarily private, e.g. a plugin could have a public interface via ports
+for manipulating internal state, which would be saved using this extension.
+Plugins are strongly encouraged to represent all state change as modifications
+of such key/value variables, to minimize implementation burden and enable
+the many benefits of having a universal model for describing plugin state.
+The use of URI keys prevents conflict and allows unrelated plugins to
+meaningfully describe state changes. Future extensions will describe a
+dynamic mechanism for manipulating plugin state, as well as define various
+keys likely to be useful to a wide range of plugins.
+In pseudo code, a typical use case in a plugin is:
+static const char* const KEY_GREETING = "http://example.org/greeting";
+void my_save(LV2_Handle instance,
+ LV2_Persist_Store_Function store,
+ void* callback_data)
+ MyPlugin* plugin = (MyPlugin*)instance;
+ const char* greeting = plugin->state->greeting;
+ store(callback_data, KEY_GREETING,
+ greeting, strlen(greeting) + 1,
+ lv2_uri_map("http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#String"));
+void my_restore(LV2_Handle instance,
+ LV2_Persist_Retrieve_Function retrieve,
+ void* callback_data)
+ MyPlugin* plugin = (MyPlugin*)instance;
+ size_t size;
+ uint32_t type;
+ const char* greeting = retrieve(callback_data, KEY_GREETING, &size, &type);
+ if (greeting)
+ plugin->state->greeting = greeting;
+ else
+ plugin->state->greeting = "Hello";
+Similarly, a typical use case in a host is:
+void store_callback(void* callback_data,
+ const char* key,
+ const void* value,
+ size_t size,
+ uint32_t type)
+ Map* state_map = (Map*)callback_data;
+ state_map->insert(key, Value(value, size, type));
+Map get_plugin_state(LV2_Handle instance)
+ LV2_Persist* persist = instance.extension_data("http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/persist");
+ Map state_map;
+ persist.save(instance, store_callback, &state_map);
+ return state_map;
""" .