@prefix doap: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix param: . @prefix rdfs: . a doap:Project ; doap:name "LV2 Parameters" ; doap:created "2009-00-00" ; doap:shortdesc "Common parameters for audio processing." ; doap:maintainer ; doap:developer ; lv2:documentation """ This is a vocabulary for parameters that are common in audio processing software. A parameter is purely a metadata concept, unrelated to any particular code mechanism. Parameters are used to assign meaning to controls (for example, using lv2:designation for ports) so they can be used more intelligently or presented to the user more efficiently. """^^lv2:Markdown . param:wetDryRatio a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "wet/dry ratio" ; lv2:documentation """ The ratio between processed and bypass components in output signal. The dry and wet percentages can be calculated from the following equations: :::c dry = (wetDryRatio.maximum - wetDryRatio.value) / wetDryRatio.maximum wet = wetDryRatio.value / wetDryRatio.maximum Typically, maximum value of 1 or 100 and minimum value of 0 should be used. """^^lv2:Markdown .