#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # lv2specgen, an LV2 extension specification page generator # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> # # Based on SpecGen: # <http://forge.morfeo-project.org/wiki_en/index.php/SpecGen> # Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt@crschmidt.net> # Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Uldis Bojars <uldis.bojars@deri.org> # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Sergio Fernández <sergio.fernandez@fundacionctic.org> # # This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. __version__ = "1.0.0" __authors__ = "Christopher Schmidt, Uldis Bojars, Sergio Fernández, David Robillard" __license__ = "MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>" __contact__ = "devel@lists.lv2plug.in" __date__ = "2009-06-11" import os import sys import datetime import re import urllib import xml.sax.saxutils try: import RDF import Redland except ImportError: version = sys.version.split(" ")[0] if version.startswith("2.5"): sys.path.append("/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/") else: sys.path.append("/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/") try: import RDF except: sys.exit("Error importing Redland bindings for Python; check if it is installed correctly") #global vars classranges = {} classdomains = {} linkmap = {} spec_url = None spec_ns_str = None spec_ns = None spec_pre = None ns_list = { "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" : "rdf", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" : "rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" : "owl", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" : "xsd", "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#" : "sioc", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" : "foaf", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" : "dc", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/" : "dct", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" : "content", "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" : "geo", "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#" : "skos", "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#" : "lv2", "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#" : "doap" } rdf = RDF.NS('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') rdfs = RDF.NS('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#') owl = RDF.NS('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#') lv2 = RDF.NS('http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#') doap = RDF.NS('http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#') foaf = RDF.NS('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/') doc_base = '.' def niceName(uri): regexp = re.compile( "^(.*[/#])([^/#]+)$" ) rez = regexp.search( uri ) if not rez: return uri pref = rez.group(1) if ns_list.has_key(pref): return ns_list.get(pref, pref) + ":" + rez.group(2) else: return uri def return_name(m, urinode): "Trims the namespace out of a term to give a name to the term." return str(urinode.uri).replace(spec_ns_str, "") def getLabel(m, urinode): if (type(urinode) == str): urinode = RDF.Uri(urinode) l = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, rdfs.label, None)) if l.current(): return l.current().object.literal_value['string'] else: return '' def getComment(m, urinode): if (type(urinode) == str): urinode = RDF.Uri(urinode) c = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, lv2.documentation, None)) if c.current(): markup = c.current().object.literal_value['string'] # Replace urn:struct links with links to code documentation matches = re.findall('href="urn:struct:([^"]*)"', markup) if matches: for match in matches: struct_uri = os.path.join(doc_base, 'ns', 'doc', 'html', 'struct' + match.replace('_', '__') + '.html') markup = markup.replace('href="urn:struct:' + match + '"', 'href="' + struct_uri + '"') rgx = re.compile('([^a-zA-Z0-9_:])(' + \ '|'.join(map(re.escape, linkmap)) + \ ')([^a-aA-Z0-9_:])') def translate(match): return match.group(1) + linkmap[match.group(2)] + match.group(3) return rgx.sub(translate, markup) c = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(urinode, rdfs.comment, None)) if c.current(): text = c.current().object.literal_value['string'] return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(text) return '' def owlVersionInfo(m): v = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, owl.versionInfo, None)) if v.current(): return v.current().object.literal_value['string'] else: return "" def rdfsPropertyInfo(term,m): """Generate HTML for properties: Domain, range""" global classranges global classdomains doc = "" range = "" domain = "" # Find subPropertyOf information o = m.find_statements( RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.subPropertyOf, None) ) if o.current(): rlist = '' for st in o: k = getTermLink(str(st.object.uri), term, rdfs.subPropertyOf) rlist += "<dd>%s</dd>" % k doc += "<dt>Sub-property of</dt> %s" % rlist # Domain stuff domains = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.domain, None)) domainsdoc = "" for d in domains: collection = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(d.object, owl.unionOf, None)) if collection.current(): uris = parseCollection(m, collection) for uri in uris: domainsdoc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(uri, term, rdfs.domain) add(classdomains, uri, term.uri) else: if not d.object.is_blank(): domainsdoc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(str(d.object.uri), term, rdfs.domain) if (len(domainsdoc)>0): doc += "<dt>Domain</dt> %s" % domainsdoc # Range stuff ranges = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.range, None)) rangesdoc = "" for r in ranges: collection = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(r.object, owl.unionOf, None)) if collection.current(): uris = parseCollection(m, collection) for uri in uris: rangesdoc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(uri, term, rdfs.range) add(classranges, uri, term.uri) else: if not r.object.is_blank(): rangesdoc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(str(r.object.uri), term, rdfs.range) if (len(rangesdoc)>0): doc += "<dt>Range</dt> %s" % rangesdoc return doc def parseCollection(model, collection): uris = [] rdflist = model.find_statements(RDF.Statement(collection.current().object, None, None)) while rdflist and rdflist.current() and not rdflist.current().object.is_blank(): one = rdflist.current() if not one.object.is_blank(): uris.append(str(one.object.uri)) rdflist.next() one = rdflist.current() if one.predicate == rdf.rest: rdflist = model.find_statements(RDF.Statement(one.object, None, None)) return uris def getTermLink(uri, subject=None, predicate=None): uri = str(uri) extra = '' if subject != None and predicate != None: extra = 'about="%s" rel="%s" resource="%s"' % (str(subject.uri), niceName(str(predicate.uri)), uri) if (uri.startswith(spec_ns_str)): return '<a href="#%s" %s>%s</a>' % (uri.replace(spec_ns_str, ""), extra, niceName(uri)) else: return '<a href="%s" %s>%s</a>' % (uri, extra, niceName(uri)) def rdfsClassInfo(term,m): """Generate rdfs-type information for Classes: ranges, and domains.""" global classranges global classdomains doc = "" # Find subClassOf information o = m.find_statements( RDF.Statement(term, rdfs.subClassOf, None) ) restrictions = [] if o.current(): superclasses = [] for st in o: if not st.object.is_blank(): uri = str(st.object.uri) if (not uri in superclasses): superclasses.append(uri) else: meta_types = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(o.current().object, rdf.type, None)) restrictions.append(meta_types.current().subject) if len(superclasses) > 0: doc += "\n<dt>Sub-class of</dt>" for superclass in superclasses: doc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(superclass) for r in restrictions: props = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(r, None, None)) onProp = None comment = None for p in props: if p.predicate == owl.onProperty: onProp = p.object elif p.predicate == rdfs.comment: comment = p.object if onProp != None: doc += '<dt>Restriction on property %s</dt>\n' % getTermLink(onProp.uri) doc += '<dd class="restriction">\n' if comment != None: doc += "<span>%s</span>\n" % comment.literal_value['string'] prop_str = '' for p in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(r, None, None)): if p.predicate != owl.onProperty and p.predicate != rdfs.comment and not( p.predicate == rdf.type and p.object == owl.Restriction) and p.predicate != lv2.documentation: if p.object.is_resource(): prop_str += '\n<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>\n' % ( getTermLink(p.predicate.uri), getTermLink(p.object.uri)) elif p.object.is_literal(): prop_str += '\n<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>\n' % ( getTermLink(p.predicate.uri), p.object.literal_value['string']) if prop_str != '': doc += '<dl class=\"prop\">%s</dl>\n' % prop_str doc += '</dd>' # Find out about properties which have rdfs:domain of t d = classdomains.get(str(term.uri), "") if d: dlist = '' for k in d: dlist += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(k) doc += "<dt>In domain of</dt>" + dlist # Find out about properties which have rdfs:range of t r = classranges.get(str(term.uri), "") if r: rlist = '' for k in r: rlist += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(k) doc += "<dt>In range of</dt>" + rlist return doc def isSpecial(pred): """Return True if the predicate is "special" and shouldn't be emitted generically""" return pred in [rdf.type, rdfs.range, rdfs.domain, rdfs.label, rdfs.comment, rdfs.subClassOf, lv2.documentation] def blankNodeDesc(node,m): properties = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(node, None, None)) doc = '' last_pred = '' for p in properties: if isSpecial(p.predicate): continue doc += '<tr>' doc += '<td class="blankterm">%s</td>\n' % getTermLink(str(p.predicate.uri)) if p.object.is_resource(): doc += '<td class="blankdef">%s</td>\n' % getTermLink(str(p.object.uri))#getTermLink(str(p.object.uri), node, p.predicate) elif p.object.is_literal(): doc += '<td class="blankdef">%s</td>\n' % str(p.object.literal_value['string']) elif p.object.is_blank(): doc += '<td class="blankdef">' + blankNodeDesc(p.object,m) + '</td>\n' else: doc += '<td class="blankdef">?</td>\n' doc += '</tr>' if doc != '': doc = '<table class="blankdesc">\n%s\n</table>\n' % doc return doc def extraInfo(term,m): """Generate information about misc. properties of a term""" doc = "" properties = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, None, None)) last_pred = '' for p in properties: if isSpecial(p.predicate): continue if p.predicate != last_pred: doc += '<dt>%s</dt>\n' % getTermLink(str(p.predicate.uri)) if p.object.is_resource(): doc += '<dd>%s</dd>\n' % getTermLink(str(p.object.uri), term, p.predicate) elif p.object.is_literal(): doc += '<dd>%s</dd>\n' % str(p.object) elif p.object.is_blank(): doc += '<dd>' + blankNodeDesc(p.object,m) + '</dd>\n' else: doc += '<dd>?</dd>\n' last_pred = p.predicate return doc def rdfsInstanceInfo(term,m): """Generate rdfs-type information for instances""" doc = "" term = RDF.Uri(term) t = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdf.type, None)) if t.current(): doc += "<dt>Type</dt>" while t.current(): doc += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(RDF.Node(t.current().object), RDF.Node(term), rdf.type) t.next() doc += extraInfo(RDF.Node(term), m) return doc def owlInfo(term,m): """Returns an extra information that is defined about a term (an RDF.Node()) using OWL.""" res = '' # Inverse properties ( owl:inverseOf ) o = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, owl.inverseOf, None)) if o.current(): res += "<dt>Inverse:</dt>" for st in o: res += "<dd>%s</dd>" % getTermLink(str(st.object.uri)) def owlTypeInfo(term, propertyType, name): o = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(term, rdf.type, propertyType)) if o.current(): return "<dt>OWL Type</dt><dd>%s</dd>\n" % name else: return "" res += owlTypeInfo(term, owl.DatatypeProperty, "Datatype Property") res += owlTypeInfo(term, owl.ObjectProperty, "Object Property") res += owlTypeInfo(term, owl.AnnotationProperty, "Annotation Property") res += owlTypeInfo(term, owl.InverseFunctionalProperty, "Inverse Functional Property") res += owlTypeInfo(term, owl.SymmetricProperty, "Symmetric Property") return res def docTerms(category, list, m): """ A wrapper class for listing all the terms in a specific class (either Properties, or Classes. Category is 'Property' or 'Class', list is a list of term names (strings), return value is a chunk of HTML. """ doc = "" nspre = spec_pre for t in list: if (t.startswith(spec_ns_str)) and (len(t[len(spec_ns_str):].split("/"))<2): term = t t = t.split(spec_ns_str[-1])[1] curie = "%s:%s" % (nspre, t) else: if t.startswith("http://"): term = t curie = getShortName(t) t = getAnchor(t) else: term = spec_ns[t] curie = "%s:%s" % (nspre, t) try: term_uri = term.uri except: term_uri = term doc += """<div class="specterm" id="%s" about="%s">\n<h3>%s <a href="#%s">%s</a></h3>\n""" % (t, term_uri, category, getAnchor(str(term_uri)), curie) label = getLabel(m, term) comment = getComment(m, term) doc += '<div class="spectermbody">' if label!='' or comment != '': doc += '<div class="description">' if label!='': doc += "<div property=\"rdfs:label\" class=\"label\">%s</div>" % label if comment!='': doc += "<div property=\"rdfs:comment\">%s</div>" % comment if label!='' or comment != '': doc += "</div>" terminfo = "" if category=='Property': terminfo += owlInfo(term,m) terminfo += rdfsPropertyInfo(term,m) if category=='Class': terminfo += rdfsClassInfo(term,m) if category=='Instance': terminfo += rdfsInstanceInfo(term,m) terminfo += extraInfo(term,m) if (len(terminfo)>0): #to prevent empty list (bug #882) doc += '\n<dl class="terminfo">%s</dl>\n' % terminfo doc += '</div>' doc += "\n</div>\n\n" return doc def getShortName(uri): if ("#" in uri): return uri.split("#")[-1] else: return uri.split("/")[-1] def getAnchor(uri): if (uri.startswith(spec_ns_str)): return uri[len(spec_ns_str):].replace("/","_") else: return getShortName(uri) def buildIndex(classlist, proplist, instalist=None): """ Builds the A-Z list of terms. Args are a list of classes (strings) and a list of props (strings) """ if len(classlist)==0 and len(proplist)==0 and (not instalist or len(instalist)==0): return '' azlist = '<dl class="index">' if (len(classlist)>0): azlist += "<dt>Classes</dt><dd>" classlist.sort() for c in classlist: if c.startswith(spec_ns_str): c = c.split(spec_ns_str[-1])[1] azlist = """%s <a href="#%s">%s</a>, """ % (azlist, c, c) azlist = """%s</dd>\n""" % azlist if (len(proplist)>0): azlist += "<dt>Properties</dt><dd>" proplist.sort() for p in proplist: if p.startswith(spec_ns_str): p = p.split(spec_ns_str[-1])[1] azlist = """%s <a href="#%s">%s</a>, """ % (azlist, p, p) azlist = """%s</dd>\n""" % azlist if (instalist!=None and len(instalist)>0): azlist += "<dt>Instances</dt><dd>" for i in instalist: p = getShortName(i) anchor = getAnchor(i) azlist = """%s <a href="#%s">%s</a>, """ % (azlist, anchor, p) azlist = """%s</dd>\n""" % azlist azlist = """%s\n</dl>""" % azlist return azlist def add(where, key, value): if not where.has_key(key): where[key] = [] if not value in where[key]: where[key].append(value) def specInformation(m, ns): """ Read through the spec (provided as a Redland model) and return classlist and proplist. Global variables classranges and classdomains are also filled as appropriate. """ global classranges global classdomains # Find the class information: Ranges, domains, and list of all names. classtypes = [rdfs.Class, owl.Class] classlist = [] for onetype in classtypes: for classStatement in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, onetype)): for range in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdfs.range, classStatement.subject)): if not m.contains_statement( RDF.Statement( range.subject, rdf.type, owl.DeprecatedProperty )): if not classStatement.subject.is_blank(): add(classranges, str(classStatement.subject.uri), str(range.subject.uri)) for domain in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdfs.domain, classStatement.subject)): if not m.contains_statement( RDF.Statement( domain.subject, rdf.type, owl.DeprecatedProperty )): if not classStatement.subject.is_blank(): add(classdomains, str(classStatement.subject.uri), str(domain.subject.uri)) if not classStatement.subject.is_blank(): uri = str(classStatement.subject.uri) name = return_name(m, classStatement.subject) if name not in classlist and uri.startswith(ns): classlist.append(return_name(m, classStatement.subject)) # Create a list of properties in the schema. proptypes = [rdf.Property, owl.ObjectProperty, owl.DatatypeProperty, owl.AnnotationProperty] proplist = [] for onetype in proptypes: for propertyStatement in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, onetype)): uri = str(propertyStatement.subject.uri) name = return_name(m, propertyStatement.subject) if uri.startswith(ns) and not name in proplist: proplist.append(name) return classlist, proplist def specProperty(m, subject, predicate): "Return a property of the spec." for c in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, predicate, None)): if c.subject.is_resource() and str(c.subject.uri) == str(subject): return c.object.literal_value['string'] return '' def specProperties(m, subject, predicate): "Return a property of the spec." properties=[] for c in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, predicate, None)): if c.subject.is_resource() and str(c.subject.uri) == str(subject): properties += [c.object] return properties def specAuthors(m, subject): "Return an HTML description of the authors of the spec." dev = set() for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, doap.developer, None)): for j in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(i.object, foaf.name, None)): dev.add(j.object.literal_value['string']) maint = set() for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, doap.maintainer, None)): for j in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(i.object, foaf.name, None)): maint.add(j.object.literal_value['string']) doc = '' first = True for d in dev: if not first: doc += ', ' doc += '<span class="author" property="doap:developer">%s</span>' % d first = False for m in maint: if not first: doc += ', ' doc += '<span class="author" property="doap:maintainer">%s</span>' % m first = False n_authors = len(dev) + len(maint) if n_authors == 0: return '' elif n_authors == 1: return '<tr><th class="metahead">Author</th><td>' + doc + '</td></tr>' else: return '<tr><th class="metahead">Authors</th><td>' + doc + '</td></tr>' def specVersion(m, subject): """ Return a (minorVersion, microVersion, date) tuple """ # Get the date from the latest doap release latest_doap_revision = "" latest_doap_release = None for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, doap.release, None)): for j in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(i.object, doap.revision, None)): revision = j.object.literal_value['string'] if latest_doap_revision == "" or revision > latest_doap_revision: latest_doap_revision = revision latest_doap_release = i.object date = "" if latest_doap_release != None: for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(latest_doap_release, doap.created, None)): date = i.object.literal_value['string'] # Get the LV2 version minor_version = 0 micro_version = 0 for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, lv2.minorVersion, None)): minor_version = int(i.object.literal_value['string']) for i in m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, lv2.microVersion, None)): micro_version = int(i.object.literal_value['string']) return (minor_version, micro_version, date) def getInstances(model, classes, properties): """ Extract all resources instanced in the ontology (aka "everything that is not a class or a property") """ instances = [] for one in classes: for i in model.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, spec_ns[one])): uri = str(i.subject.uri) if not uri in instances and uri != spec_url: instances.append(uri) for i in model.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, None)): if not i.subject.is_resource(): continue; full_uri = str(i.subject.uri) if (full_uri.startswith(spec_ns_str)): uri = full_uri[len(spec_ns_str):] else: uri = full_uri if ((not full_uri in instances) and (not uri in classes) and (not uri in properties) and (full_uri != spec_url)): instances.append(full_uri) return instances def specgen(specloc, docdir, template, doclinks, instances=False, mode="spec"): """The meat and potatoes: Everything starts here.""" global spec_url global spec_ns_str global spec_ns global spec_pre global ns_list # Build a symbol -> link mapping for external links dlfile = open(doclinks, 'r') for line in dlfile: sym, _, url = line.rstrip().partition(' ') linkmap[sym] = '<span><a href="%s">%s</a></span>' % (url, sym) m = RDF.Model() try: base = specloc[0:specloc.rfind('/')] # Parse manifest.ttl manifest_path = os.path.join(base, 'manifest.ttl') p = RDF.Parser(name="guess") p.parse_into_model(m, manifest_path) # Parse ontology file p = RDF.Parser(name="guess") p.parse_into_model(m, specloc) except IOError, e: print "Error reading from ontology:", str(e) usage() except RDF.RedlandError, e: print "Error parsing the ontology" spec_url = getOntologyNS(m) spec_ns_str = spec_url if (spec_ns_str[-1]!="/" and spec_ns_str[-1]!="#"): spec_ns_str += "#" spec_ns = RDF.NS(spec_ns_str) namespaces = getNamespaces(p) keys = namespaces.keys() keys.sort() prefixes_html = "<span>" for i in keys: uri = namespaces[i] if spec_pre is None and str(uri) == str(spec_url + '#'): spec_pre = i prefixes_html += '<a href="%s">%s</a> ' % (uri, i) prefixes_html += "</span>" if spec_pre is None: print 'No namespace prefix for specification defined' sys.exit(1) ns_list[spec_ns_str] = spec_pre classlist, proplist = specInformation(m, spec_ns_str) classlist = sorted(classlist) proplist = sorted(proplist) instalist = None if instances: instalist = getInstances(m, classlist, proplist) instalist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(getShortName(x).lower(), getShortName(y).lower())) azlist = buildIndex(classlist, proplist, instalist) # Generate Term HTML termlist = docTerms('Property', proplist, m) termlist = docTerms('Class', classlist, m) + termlist if instances: termlist += docTerms('Instance', instalist, m) # Generate RDF from original namespace. u = urllib.urlopen(specloc) rdfdata = u.read() rdfdata = re.sub(r"(<\?xml version.*\?>)", "", rdfdata) rdfdata = re.sub(r"(<!DOCTYPE[^]]*]>)", "", rdfdata) #rdfdata.replace("""<?xml version="1.0"?>""", "") # print template % (azlist.encode("utf-8"), termlist.encode("utf-8"), rdfdata.encode("ISO-8859-1")) template = re.sub(r"^#format \w*\n", "", template) template = re.sub(r"\$VersionInfo\$", owlVersionInfo(m).encode("utf-8"), template) template = template.replace('@NAME@', specProperty(m, spec_url, doap.name)) template = template.replace('@URI@', spec_url) template = template.replace('@PREFIX@', spec_pre) if spec_pre == 'lv2': template = template.replace('@XMLNS@', '') else: template = template.replace('@XMLNS@', ' xmlns:%s="%s"' % (spec_pre, spec_ns_str)) filename = os.path.basename(specloc) basename = filename[0:filename.rfind('.')] template = template.replace('@PREFIXES@', str(prefixes_html)) template = template.replace('@BASE@', spec_ns_str) template = template.replace('@AUTHORS@', specAuthors(m, spec_url)) template = template.replace('@INDEX@', azlist) template = template.replace('@REFERENCE@', termlist.encode("utf-8")) template = template.replace('@FILENAME@', filename) template = template.replace('@HEADER@', basename + '.h') template = template.replace('@MAIL@', 'devel@lists.lv2plug.in') version = specVersion(m, spec_url) # (minor, micro, date) date_string = version[2] if date_string == "": date_string = "Undated" version_string = "%s.%s (%s)" % (version[0], version[1], date_string) if version[0] == 0 or version[0] % 2 == 1 or version[1] % 2 == 1: version_string += ' <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">UNSTABLE</span>' template = template.replace('@REVISION@', version_string) bundle_path = os.path.split(specloc[specloc.find(':')+1:])[0] header_path = bundle_path + '/' + basename + '.h' other_files = '' if version[0] != '0': release_name = "lv2-" + basename if basename == "lv2": release_name = "lv2core" other_files += '<li><a href="http://lv2plug.in/spec/%s-%d.%d.tar.gz">Release</a> (<a href="http://lv2plug.in/spec">all releases</a>)</li>\n' % (release_name, version[0], version[1]) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(header_path)): other_files += '<li><a href="' + docdir + '/html/%s">Header Documentation</a></li>\n' % ( basename + '_8h.html') header = basename + '.h' other_files += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (header, header) #other_files += '<li><a href="%s">Ontology</a> %s</li>\n' % (filename, filename) see_also_files = specProperties(m, spec_url, rdfs.seeAlso) for f in see_also_files: uri = str(f.uri) if uri[0:5] == 'file:': uri = uri[5:] other_files += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (uri, uri) template = template.replace('@FILES@', other_files); comment = getComment(m, spec_url) if comment != '': template = template.replace('@COMMENT@', comment) else: template = template.replace('@COMMENT@', '') template = template.replace('@TIME@', datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%F %H:%M UTC')) return template def save(path, text): try: f = open(path, "w") f.write(text) f.flush() f.close() except Exception, e: print "Error writing to file \"" + path + "\": " + str(e) def getNamespaces(parser): """Return a prefix:URI dictionary of all namespaces seen during parsing""" count = Redland.librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_count(parser._parser) nspaces = {} for index in range(0, count - 1): prefix = Redland.librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_prefix(parser._parser, index) uri_obj = Redland.librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_uri(parser._parser, index) if uri_obj is None: uri = None else: uri = RDF.Uri(from_object=uri_obj) nspaces[prefix] = uri return nspaces def getOntologyNS(m): ns = None o = m.find_statements(RDF.Statement(None, rdf.type, lv2.Specification)) if o.current(): s = o.current().subject if (not s.is_blank()): ns = str(s.uri) if (ns == None): sys.exit("Impossible to get ontology's namespace") else: return ns def usage(): script = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print """Usage: %s ONTOLOGY TEMPLATE STYLE OUTPUT [FLAGS] ONTOLOGY : Path to ontology file TEMPLATE : HTML template path STYLE : CSS style path OUTPUT : HTML output path BASE : Documentation output base URI Optional flags: -i : Document class/property instances (disabled by default) -p PREFIX : Set ontology namespace prefix from command line Example: %s lv2_foos.ttl template.html style.css lv2_foos.html ../docs -i -p foos """ % (script, script) sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": """Ontology specification generator tool""" args = sys.argv[1:] if (len(args) < 3): usage() else: # Ontology specloc = "file:" + str(args[0]) # Template temploc = args[1] template = None try: f = open(temploc, "r") template = f.read() except Exception, e: print "Error reading from template \"" + temploc + "\": " + str(e) usage() # Footer footerloc = temploc.replace('template', 'footer') footer = '' try: f = open(footerloc, "r") footer = f.read() except Exception, e: print "Error reading from footer \"" + footerloc + "\": " + str(e) usage() template = template.replace('@FOOTER@', footer) # Style style_uri = args[2] # Destination dest = args[3] # Doxygen documentation directory doc_base = args[4] # C symbol -> doxygen link mapping doc_links = args[5] template = template.replace('@STYLE_URI@', os.path.join(doc_base, style_uri)) docdir = os.path.join(doc_base, 'ns', 'doc') # Flags instances = False if len(args) > 5: flags = args[5:] i = 0 while i < len(flags): if flags[i] == '-i': instances = True elif flags[i] == '-p': spec_pre = flags[i + 1] i += 1 i += 1 save(dest, specgen(specloc, docdir, template, doc_links, instances=instances))