Title: LV2 1.4.0 Date: 2013-02-17 05:00 Slug: lv2-1-4-0 Author: drobilla [LV2 1.4.0](http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.4.0.tar.bz2) has been released. LV2 is a plugin standard for audio systems. It defines a minimal yet extensible C API for plugin code and a format for plugin "bundles". See for more information. Changes: * Add metronome example plugin to demonstrate sample accurate tempo sync. * Generate book-style HTML documentation from example plugins. * atom: Fix lv2_atom_sequence_end(). * atom: Improve atom documentation. * atom: Remove atom:stringType in favour of owl:onDatatype so generic tools can understand and validate atom literals. * buf-size: Fix typo in bufsz:sequenceSize label. * core: Add lv2:EnvelopePlugin class. * core: Add lv2:control for designating primary event-based control ports. * core: Make lv2:Parameter rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Property. * core: Reserve minor version 0 for unstable development plugins. * core: Set range of lv2:designation to lv2:Designation. * event: Fix incorrect return type in lv2_event_get(). * log: Add logger convenience API. * options: Set the range of opts:requiredOption and opts:supportedOption to opts:Option. * patch: Add patch:readable and patch:writable for describing available properties. * patch: Make patch:Set a compact message for setting one property. * state: Add state:loadDefaultState feature so plugins can have their default state loaded without hard-coding default state as a special case. * ui: Fix incorrect linker flag in ui:makeSONameResident documentation.