Title: Validating LV2 Data Because LV2 data written in Turtle does not need to be compiled like C, the author must take care to ensure it is valid. For example, if there is a typo in a predicate, a plugin may silently fail to work correctly. To prevent this kind of error, use `sord_validator` from [Sord](http://drobilla.net/software/sord). This program will check that all the properties in a set of Turtle data are actually defined, that the domain and range is valid, and that typed literals are valid (for example, that they have the correct type, or that `lv2:symbol` properties are actually valid LV2 symbols). To do this, the validator needs to be passed all relevant data, including the vocabularies which define the properties and classes used. The LV2 distribution contains all the external vocabularies used in the `schemas` directory. If `sord_validate` is installed, and an LV2 source tree is present, then LV2 data can be checked like so: :::sh sord_validate $(find /path/to/lv2-x.y.z -name '*.ttl') /path/to/data.ttl To check all data in your bundle: :::sh sord_validate $(find /path/to/lv2-x.y.z -name '*.ttl') $(find /path/to/bundle.lv2 -name '*.ttl') For those unfamiliar with UNIX basics, the `find` command finds all files matching a pattern, and putting a command in `$()` on a command line substitutes the output of that command in place. So, these commands simply expand to `sord_validate` being called with a list of files as arguments. Developers SHOULD include targets in their build scripts for running the validator to ensure plugin data is correct before distribution.