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authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2011-11-09 03:04:06 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2011-11-09 03:04:06 +0000
commite807af8c2918402eafb5272dd76dda66532af128 (patch)
parent5b427aaf64efa4b8f72543b48c4b4be1f62e267f (diff)
Fix references to old names.
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ext/contexts.lv2/contexts.ttl b/ext/contexts.lv2/contexts.ttl
index 95ee11b..1290b3d 100644
--- a/ext/contexts.lv2/contexts.ttl
+++ b/ext/contexts.lv2/contexts.ttl
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ ctx:Context a rdfs:Class ;
<p>A potentially concurrent context (callback) on a plugin.</p>
<p>Ports are always associated with a context. If a port has no explicit context
-property, then its context is ctx:AudioContext (the default LV2 run() context).</p>
+property, then its context is ctx:audioContext (the default LV2 run() context).</p>
<p>A plugin indicates support for a context by supporting an LV2 Feature with
that context's URI. If a plugin optionally supports a context (e.g.
-<code>&lt;plugin&gt; lv2:optionalFeature ctx:IdleContext .</code>), then
+<code>&lt;plugin&gt; lv2:optionalFeature ctx:idleContext .</code>), then
all ports associated with that context MUST be lv2:connectionOptional. Thus,
hosts that do not support contexts will connect such ports to NULL and the
plugin can run with only a standard LV2 run() context.</p>