path: root/lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2022-07-07 18:59:32 -0400
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2022-07-17 18:14:00 -0400
commit1eccbe4355685b322194df72b5de2382d5290b3b (patch)
tree0677b5c2f577a5024c351a164527f4bdd91a639b /lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl
parentd4a970f6962dda28133290194832b726b566ddab (diff)
Rearrange source tree to be directly usable by dependants
This allows the LV2 source distribution to be used as an include path for compilers and an LV2_PATH for applications, at the expense of self-contained bundles. That's a nice idea, but it made LV2 itself weird and annoying to depend on. This rearranges things so that directories in the source tree correspond more closely to installation directories. To make this possible, the "aux" directory in the documentation output has been changed to "style", to avoid the reserved name "aux" on Windows.
Diffstat (limited to 'lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl b/lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2e455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lv2/ui.lv2/ui.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
+@prefix opts: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options#> .
+@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix ui: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+ a owl:Ontology ;
+ rdfs:label "LV2 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "User interfaces for LV2 plugins." ;
+ rdfs:seeAlso <ui.meta.ttl> ;
+ owl:imports <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core> ,
+ <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options> .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "User Interface" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI for an LV2 plugin." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "GTK2 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a pointer to a Gtk+ 2.0 GtkWidget." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "GTK3 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a pointer to a Gtk+ 3.0 GtkWidget." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "Qt4 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a pointer to a Qt4 QWidget." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "Qt5 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a pointer to a Qt5 QWidget." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "X11 UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is an X11 Window window ID." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "Windows UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a Windows HWND window ID." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "Cocoa UI" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A UI where the widget is a pointer to a NSView." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain lv2:Plugin ;
+ rdfs:range ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:label "user interface" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Relates a plugin to a UI that applies to it." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ owl:sameAs lv2:binary ;
+ owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
+ rdfs:label "binary" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The shared library that a UI resides in." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
+ rdfs:label "make SO name resident" ;
+ rdfs:comment "UI binary must not be unloaded." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "no user resize" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Non-resizable UI." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "fixed size" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Non-resizable UI that will never resize itself." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ,
+ opts:Option ;
+ rdfs:range xsd:float ;
+ rdfs:label "scale factor" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Scale factor for high resolution screens." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ,
+ opts:Option ;
+ rdfs:label "background color" ;
+ rdfs:comment """The background color of the host's UI.""" .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ,
+ opts:Option ;
+ rdfs:label "foreground color" ;
+ rdfs:comment """The foreground color of the host's UI.""" .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "parent" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The parent for a UI." .
+ a rdfs:Class ,
+ owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf [
+ a owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ui:plugin ;
+ owl:cardinality 1 ;
+ rdfs:comment "A PortNotification MUST have exactly one ui:plugin."
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "Port Notification" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A description of port updates that a host must send a UI." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain ui:UI ;
+ rdfs:range ui:PortNotification ;
+ rdfs:label "port notification" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Specifies a port notification that is required by a UI." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
+ rdfs:range lv2:Plugin ;
+ rdfs:label "plugin" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The plugin a portNotification applies to." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
+ rdfs:range xsd:decimal ;
+ rdfs:label "port index" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The index of the port a portNotification applies to." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
+ rdfs:label "notify type" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A particular type that the UI should be notified of." .
+ a lv2:Feature ,
+ lv2:ExtensionData ;
+ owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
+ rdfs:label "resize" ;
+ rdfs:comment """A feature that provides control of, and notifications about, a UI's size.""" .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "port map" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A feature for accessing the index of a port by symbol." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "port subscribe" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A feature for dynamically subscribing to updates from a port." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "touch" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A feature to notify that the user has grabbed a port control." .
+ a lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "request value" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A feature to request a parameter value from the user via the host." .
+ a lv2:Feature ,
+ lv2:ExtensionData ;
+ rdfs:label "idle interface" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A feature that provides a callback for the host to drive the UI." .
+ a lv2:ExtensionData ;
+ rdfs:label "show interface" ;
+ rdfs:comment "An interface for showing and hiding a window for a UI." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string ;
+ rdfs:label "window title" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The title for the window shown by LV2UI_Show_Interface." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+ rdfs:range xsd:float ;
+ rdfs:label "update rate" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The target rate, in Hz, to send updates to the UI." .
+ a rdf:Property ,
+ owl:ObjectProperty ;
+ rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
+ rdfs:range ui:PortProtocol ;
+ rdfs:label "protocol" ;
+ rdfs:comment "The protocol to be used for this notification." .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf lv2:Feature ;
+ rdfs:label "Port Protocol" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A method to communicate port data between a UI and plugin." .
+ a ui:PortProtocol ;
+ rdfs:label "float protocol" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A protocol for transferring single floating point values." .
+ a ui:PortProtocol ;
+ rdfs:label "peak protocol" ;
+ rdfs:comment "A protocol for sending continuous peak measurements of an audio signal." .