path: root/lv2specgen
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2012-03-26 22:35:39 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2012-03-26 22:35:39 +0000
commite01f7c8b0e4b3596d7f1d0d6d09ecd999fdbff42 (patch)
treea1b2ffd99381226688766e069160b95cd0da37b0 /lv2specgen
parent11173eca2f57199b57bffa20630ed795631adc26 (diff)
Fix busted loading of spec properties (most noticably putting maintainer information from other specs on the page when the spec itself has no maintainer listed).
Diffstat (limited to 'lv2specgen')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lv2specgen/lv2specgen.py b/lv2specgen/lv2specgen.py
index d0ed35a..dfd2549 100755
--- a/lv2specgen/lv2specgen.py
+++ b/lv2specgen/lv2specgen.py
@@ -829,30 +829,28 @@ def specInformation(m, ns):
def specProperty(m, subject, predicate):
"Return a property of the spec."
- for c in findStatements(m, None, predicate, None):
- if isResource(getSubject(c)) and str(getSubject(c)) == str(subject):
- return getLiteralString(getObject(c))
+ for c in findStatements(m, subject, predicate, None):
+ return getLiteralString(getObject(c))
return ''
def specProperties(m, subject, predicate):
"Return a property of the spec."
properties = []
- for c in findStatements(m, None, predicate, None):
- if isResource(getSubject(c)) and str(getSubject(c)) == str(subject):
- properties += [getObject(c)]
+ for c in findStatements(m, subject, predicate, None):
+ properties += [getObject(c)]
return properties
def specAuthors(m, subject):
"Return an HTML description of the authors of the spec."
dev = set()
- for i in findStatements(m, None, doap.developer, None):
+ for i in findStatements(m, subject, doap.developer, None):
for j in findStatements(m, getObject(i), foaf.name, None):
maint = set()
- for i in findStatements(m, None, doap.maintainer, None):
+ for i in findStatements(m, subject, doap.maintainer, None):
for j in findStatements(m, getObject(i), foaf.name, None):
@@ -887,7 +885,7 @@ def specAuthors(m, subject):
def specHistory(m, subject):
entries = {}
- for r in findStatements(m, None, doap.release, None):
+ for r in findStatements(m, subject, doap.release, None):
release = getObject(r)
revNode = findOne(m, release, doap.revision, None)
if not revNode:
@@ -943,7 +941,7 @@ def specVersion(m, subject):
# Get the date from the latest doap release
latest_doap_revision = ""
latest_doap_release = None
- for i in findStatements(m, None, doap.release, None):
+ for i in findStatements(m, subject, doap.release, None):
for j in findStatements(m, getObject(i), doap.revision, None):
revision = getLiteralString(getObject(j))
if latest_doap_revision == "" or revision > latest_doap_revision:
@@ -1060,9 +1058,10 @@ def specgen(specloc, indir, style_uri, docdir, tags, instances=False, mode="spec
bundle_path = os.path.split(specloc[specloc.find(':') + 1:])[0]
abs_bundle_path = os.path.abspath(bundle_path)
spec_url = getOntologyNS(m)
+ spec = rdflib.URIRef(spec_url)
# Parse all seeAlso files in the bundle
- for uri in specProperties(m, spec_url, rdfs.seeAlso):
+ for uri in specProperties(m, spec, rdfs.seeAlso):
if uri[:7] == 'file://':
path = uri[7:]
if (path != os.path.abspath(specloc)
@@ -1084,7 +1083,7 @@ def specgen(specloc, indir, style_uri, docdir, tags, instances=False, mode="spec
if uri.startswith('file:'):
ns_list[str(uri)] = i
- if str(uri) == str(spec_url) + '#':
+ if str(uri) == spec_url + '#':
spec_pre = i
prefixes_html += '<a href="%s">%s</a> ' % (uri, i)
prefixes_html += "</span>"
@@ -1112,9 +1111,9 @@ def specgen(specloc, indir, style_uri, docdir, tags, instances=False, mode="spec
if instances:
termlist += docTerms('Instance', instalist, m, classlist)
- template = template.replace('@NAME@', specProperty(m, spec_url, doap.name))
- template = template.replace('@SUBTITLE@', specProperty(m, spec_url, doap.shortdesc))
- template = template.replace('@URI@', spec_url)
+ template = template.replace('@NAME@', specProperty(m, spec, doap.name))
+ template = template.replace('@SUBTITLE@', specProperty(m, spec, doap.shortdesc))
+ template = template.replace('@URI@', spec)
template = template.replace('@PREFIX@', spec_pre)
if spec_pre == 'lv2':
template = template.replace('@XMLNS@', '')
@@ -1127,15 +1126,15 @@ def specgen(specloc, indir, style_uri, docdir, tags, instances=False, mode="spec
template = template.replace('@STYLE_URI@', style_uri)
template = template.replace('@PREFIXES@', str(prefixes_html))
template = template.replace('@BASE@', spec_ns_str)
- template = template.replace('@AUTHORS@', specAuthors(m, spec_url))
+ template = template.replace('@AUTHORS@', specAuthors(m, spec))
template = template.replace('@INDEX@', azlist)
template = template.replace('@REFERENCE@', termlist.encode("utf-8"))
template = template.replace('@FILENAME@', filename)
template = template.replace('@HEADER@', basename + '.h')
template = template.replace('@MAIL@', 'devel@lists.lv2plug.in')
- template = template.replace('@HISTORY@', specHistory(m, spec_url))
+ template = template.replace('@HISTORY@', specHistory(m, spec))
- version = specVersion(m, spec_url) # (minor, micro, date)
+ version = specVersion(m, spec) # (minor, micro, date)
date_string = version[2]
if date_string == "":
date_string = "Undated"
@@ -1152,7 +1151,7 @@ def specgen(specloc, indir, style_uri, docdir, tags, instances=False, mode="spec
template = template.replace('@REVISION@', version_string)
other_files = ''
- see_also_files = specProperties(m, spec_url, rdfs.seeAlso)
+ see_also_files = specProperties(m, spec, rdfs.seeAlso)
for f in see_also_files:
uri = str(f)