diff options
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/waflib b/waflib
-Subproject 878bdba53979f11fa582088e47997df129e56d1
+Subproject 8b67c693005e5d3ca9a6e0d5ed0613392fcec62
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index fc1d307..e840207 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -77,8 +77,79 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.load('autowaf', cache=True)
autowaf.set_c_lang(conf, 'c99')
- if Options.options.ultra_strict and not conf.env.MSVC_COMPILER:
- conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', ['-Wconversion'])
+ if Options.options.ultra_strict:
+ autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'c', {
+ 'gcc': [
+ '-Wno-bad-function-cast',
+ ],
+ 'clang': [
+ '-Wno-bad-function-cast',
+ ]
+ })
+ autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, '*', {
+ 'clang': [
+ '-Wno-cast-align',
+ '-Wno-cast-qual',
+ '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
+ '-Wno-double-promotion',
+ '-Wno-float-conversion',
+ '-Wno-float-equal',
+ '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
+ '-Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion',
+ '-Wno-padded',
+ '-Wno-reserved-id-macro',
+ '-Wno-shorten-64-to-32',
+ '-Wno-sign-conversion',
+ '-Wno-switch-enum',
+ '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ ],
+ 'gcc': [
+ '-Wno-cast-align',
+ '-Wno-cast-qual',
+ '-Wno-conversion',
+ '-Wno-double-promotion',
+ '-Wno-float-equal',
+ '-Wno-padded',
+ '-Wno-parentheses',
+ '-Wno-suggest-attribute=const',
+ '-Wno-switch-enum',
+ '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ ],
+ 'msvc': [
+ '/wd4061', # enumerator in switch is not explicitly handled
+ '/wd4100', # unreferenced formal parameter
+ '/wd4244', # conversion with possible loss of data
+ '/wd4267', # conversion from size_t to a smaller type
+ '/wd4310', # cast truncates constant value
+ '/wd4365', # signed/unsigned mismatch
+ '/wd4464', # relative include path contains ".."
+ '/wd4514', # unreferenced inline function has been removed
+ '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression
+ '/wd4710', # function not inlined
+ '/wd4820', # padding added after construct
+ '/wd5045', # will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load
+ ]
+ })
+ autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'cxx', {
+ 'gcc': [
+ '-Wno-useless-cast',
+ '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant',
+ ],
+ 'clang': [
+ '-Wno-old-style-cast',
+ '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant',
+ ]
+ })
+ if 'mingw' in conf.env.CC[0]:
+ autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, '*', {
+ 'gcc': [
+ '-Wno-format',
+ '-Wno-suggest-attribute=format',
+ ],
+ })
if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32' or not hasattr(os.path, 'relpath'):
Logs.warn('System does not support linking headers, copying')