path: root/ext/port-props.lv2/port-props.ttl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/ext/port-props.lv2/port-props.ttl b/ext/port-props.lv2/port-props.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index d811959..0000000
--- a/ext/port-props.lv2/port-props.ttl
+++ /dev/null
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-@prefix pprops: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props#> .
-@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
-@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
-@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
-@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
-@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
-@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
- a lv2:Specification ;
- doap:name "LV2 Port Properties" ;
- doap:release [
- doap:revision "0.1" ;
- doap:created "2011-11-01"
- ] ;
- doap:created "2009-01-01" ;
- doap:shortdesc "Additional properties for LV2 plugin ports." ;
- doap:maintainer [
- a foaf:Person ;
- foaf:name "Krzysztof Foltman"
- ] , [
- a foaf:Person ;
- foaf:name "David Robillard" ;
- rdfs:seeAlso <http://drobilla.net/drobilla.rdf>
- ] ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>This extension defines several useful properties for LV2 plugin ports, which
-can be used in plugin descriptions to better describe ports. Using this
-metadata, hosts can build better UIs for plugins, and provide more advanced
-automatic functionality.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Trigger" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the data item corresponds to a momentary event that has been
-detected (control output ports) or is to be triggered (control input ports).
-For input ports, the port needs to be reset to lv2:default value after run()
-function of the plugin has returned. If the control port is assigned a GUI
-widget by the host, the widget should be of auto-off (momentary, one-shot) type
-- for example, a push button if the port is also declared as lv2:toggled, or a
-series of push button or auto-clear input box with a "Send" button if the port
-is also lv2:integer.
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- rdfs:label "Supports strict bounds" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates use of host support for pprops:hasStrictBounds port property. A
-plugin that specifies it as optional feature can omit value clamping for
-hasStrictBounds ports, if the feature is supported by the host. When specified
-as required feature, it indicates that the plugin does not do any clamping for
-input ports that have a pprops:hasStrictBounds property.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Has strict bounds" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-For hosts that support pprops:supportsStrictBounds, this indicates that the
-value of the port should never exceed the port's minimum and maximum control
-points. For input ports, it moves the responsibility for limiting the range of
-values to host, if it supports pprops:supportsStrictBounds. For output ports,
-it indicates that values within specified range are to be expected, and
-breaking that should be considered by the host as error in plugin
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Changes trigger expensive calculation" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Input ports only. Indicates that any changes to the port value may trigger
-expensive background calculation (e.g. regenerate some lookup tables in a
-background thread). Any value changes may have not have immediate effect, or
-may cause silence or diminished-quality version of the output until background
-processing is finished. Ports having this property are typically not well
-suited for connection to outputs of other plugins, and should not be offered as
-connection targets or for automation by default.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "May cause audio artifacts when changed" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Input ports only. Indicates that any changes to the port value may produce
-slight artifacts to produced audio signals (zipper noise and other results of
-signal discontinuities). Connecting ports of this type to continuous signals
-is not recommended, and when presenting a list of automation targets, those
-ports may be marked as artifact-producing.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Carries a smooth modulation signal" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port carries a "smooth" modulation signal. Control input
-ports of this type are well-suited for being connected to sources of smooth
-signals (knobs with smoothing, modulation rate oscillators, output ports with
-continuousCV type, etc.). Typically, the plugin with ports which have this
-property will implement appropriate smoothing to avoid audio artifacts. For
-output ports, this property suggests the value of the port is likely to change
-frequently, and describes a smooth signal (e.g. successive values may be
-considered points along a curve).
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Carries a discrete modulation signal" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port carries a "discrete" modulation signal. Input ports of
-this type are well-suited for being connected to sources of discrete signals
-(switches, buttons, classifiers, event detectors, etc.). May be combined with
-pprops:trigger property. For output ports, this property suggests the value of
-the port describe discrete values that should be interpreted as steps (and not
-points along a curve).
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Carries the current tempo expressed in BPM" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port is used to pass the current tempo in context of the
-plugin (which may be current song tempo, or tempo of a particular subset of the
-song, or the subgraph the plugin resides in). For input ports, the host may
-automatically feed the port with current tempo and hide the port from the user,
-unless the user or other factors encourage different behaviour.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Carries the current number of beats in a bar" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port may be used to pass the current number of beats in a
-bar. """ .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Carries the current beat size" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port may be used to pass the current size of a beat (4 for a
-crochet/quarter note, 8 for a quaver/eighth note, etc.).
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Port value uses a logarithmic scale" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that port value behaviour within specified range (bounds) is a value
-using logarithmic scale. The lower and upper bounds must be specified, and
-must be of the same sign.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Port is not intended as a CV input" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port is not primarily intended to be fed with modulation
-signals from external sources (other plugins, etc.). It is merely a UI hint
-and hosts may allow the user to override it.
-""" .
- a lv2:PortProperty ;
- rdfs:label "Port is not to be displayed on a GUI or equivalent" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates that the port is not primarily intended to be represented by a
-separate control in the user interface window (or any similar mechanism used
-for direct, immediate control of control ports). It is merely a UI hint and
-hosts may allow the user to override it.
-""" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:domain lv2:Port ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:label "Relative usefulness of a port" ;
- rdfs:comment """
-Indicates how (typically) useful is the port comparing to other ports with that
-property (higher value = more important). The values do not need to be unique,
-and ports can be grouped based on their priorities.
-""" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:domain lv2:Port ;
- rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- rdfs:label "Number of value quantization steps" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>This value indicates into how many evenly-divided points the (control) port
-range shoujld be divided for step-wise control. This may be used for changing
-the value with step-based controllers like arrow keys, mouse wheel, rotary
-encoders, etc.</p>
-<p>Note that when used with a pprops:logarithmic port, the steps are
-logarithmic too, and port value can be calculated as:</p>
-<pre class="c-code">
-value = lower * pow(upper / lower, step / (steps - 1))
-<p>and the step from value is:</p>
-<pre class="c-code">
-step = (steps - 1) * log(value / lower) / log(upper / lower)
-<li><code>value</code> is the port value</li>
-<li><code>step</code> is the step number (0..steps)</li>
-<li><code>steps</code> is the number of steps (= value of :rangeSteps property)</li>
-<li><code>lower</code> and <code>upper</code> are the bounds</li>
-""" .