path: root/lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui/ui.ttl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui/ui.ttl b/lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui/ui.ttl
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index f0444b5..0000000
--- a/lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui/ui.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
-@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
-@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
-@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
-@prefix ui: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui#> .
-@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
- a owl:Ontology ;
- owl:imports <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core> ;
- rdfs:seeAlso <ui.h> ,
- <lv2-ui.doap.ttl> ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>This extension is used to create User Interfaces (UIs) for LV2 plugins.</p>
-<p>UIs are implemented as an LV2UI_Descriptor loaded via lv2ui_descriptor() in
-a shared library, and are distributed in bundles just like plugins. See the <a
-href="../../../doc/html/ui_8h.html">API reference</a> for details on the C
-<p>UIs are associated with plugins in data:</p>
-<pre class="turtle-code">
-@prefix ui: &lt;http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui#&gt; .
-&lt;http://my.plugin&gt; ui:ui &lt;http://my.pluginui&gt; .
-&lt;http://my.pluginui&gt; a ui:GtkUI ;
- ui:binary &lt;myui.so&gt; .
-<p>where &lt;http://my.plugin&gt; is the URI of the plugin,
-&lt;http://my.pluginui&gt; is the URI of the plugin UI and &lt;myui.so&gt; is
-the relative URI to the shared object file.</p>
-<p>While it is possible to have the plugin UI and the plugin in the same shared
-object file it is probably a good idea to keep them separate so that hosts that
-don't want UIs don't have to load the UI code. A UI MUST specify its class in
-the RDF data (ui:GtkUI in the above example). The class defines what type the
-UI is, e.g. what graphics toolkit it uses. Any type of UI class can be defined
-separately from this extension.</p>
-<p>It is possible to have multiple UIs for the same plugin, or to have the UI
-for a plugin in a different bundle from the actual plugin - this way people
-other than the plugin author can write plugin UIs independently without editing
-the original plugin bundle.</p>
-<p>Note that the process that loads the shared object file containing the UI
-code and the process that loads the shared object file containing the actual
-plugin implementation are not necessarily the same process (and not even
-necessarily on the same machine). This means that plugin and UI code MUST NOT
-use singletons and global variables and expect them to refer to the same
-objects in the UI and the actual plugin. The function callback interface
-defined in this header is the only method of communication between UIs and
-plugin instances (extensions may define more, though this is discouraged unless
-absolutely necessary since the significant benefits of network transparency and
-serialisability are lost).</p>
-<p>UI functionality may be extended via features, much like plugins:</p>
-<pre class="turtle-code">
-&lt;http://my.pluginui&gt; lv2:requiredFeature &lt;http://my.feature&gt; .
-&lt;http://my.pluginui&gt; lv2:optionalFeature &lt;http://my.feature&gt; .
-<p>The rules for a UI with a required or optional feature are identical to
-those of lv2:Plugin instances: if a UI declares a feature as required, the host
-is NOT allowed to load it unless it supports that feature; and if it does
-support a feature, it MUST pass an appropriate LV2_Feature struct to the UI's
-instantiate() method. This extension defines several standard features for
-common functionality.</p>
-<p>UIs written to this specification do not need to be thread-safe. All
-functions may only be called in the <q>UI thread</q>. There is only one UI
-thread (for toolkits, the one the UI main loop runs in). There is no
-requirement that a <q>UI</q> actually be a graphical widget.</p>
-<p>Note that UIs are completely separate from plugins. From the plugin's
-perspective, control from a UI is indistinguishable from any other control, as
-it all occcurs via ports.</p>
-""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "User Interface" ;
- rdfs:comment "A UI for an LV2 plugin" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "GTK2 UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a pointer to a Gtk+ 2.0 compatible GtkWidget, and the host guarantees that the Gtk+ library has been initialised and the Glib main loop is running before a UI of this type is instantiated.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "GTK3 UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a pointer to a Gtk+ 3.0 compatible GtkWidget, and the host guarantees that the Gtk+ library has been initialised and the Glib main loop is running before a UI of this type is instantiated.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "Qt4 UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a pointer to a Qt4 compatible QWidget, and the host guarantees that the Qt4 library has been initialised and the Qt4 main loop is running before a UI of this type is instantiated.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "Qt5 UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a pointer to a Qt5 compatible QWidget, and the host guarantees that the Qt5 library has been initialised and the Qt5 main loop is running before a UI of this type is instantiated.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "X11 UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is an X11 window ID. Note this is actually an integer, i.e. the LV2_Widget is not a pointer to an X11 window ID, but should be itself taken as an integer value. This is the native UI type on most POSIX systems.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "Windows UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a Windows HWND window ID. Note this is actually an unsigned 32-bit integer, i.e. the LV2_Widget is not a pointer to a HWND but should be interpreted as an HWND itself. This is the native UI type on Microsoft Windows.""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "Cocoa UI" ;
- rdfs:comment """A UI where the LV2_Widget is a pointer to a NSView, the basic view type for the Cocoa API (formerly OpenStep). This is the native UI type on Mac OS X.""" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:domain lv2:Plugin ;
- rdfs:range ui:UI ;
- rdfs:label "user interface" ;
- rdfs:comment """Relates a plugin to a UI that applies to it.""" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- owl:sameAs lv2:binary ;
- owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
- rdfs:label "binary" ;
- rdfs:comment """The shared library a UI resides in. This property is redundant, new UIs SHOULD use lv2:binary, however hosts MUST still support ui:binary at this time.""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>This feature was intended to support UIs that link against toolkit
-libraries which may not be unloaded during the lifetime of the host.
-This is better achieved by using the appropriate flags when linking the
-UI, e.g. <code>gcc -Wl,-z,nodelete</code>.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>If a UI requires this feature it indicates that it does not make sense
-to let the user resize the main widget, and the host should prevent that.
-This feature may not make sense for all UI types. The data pointer for the
-LV2_Feature for this feature should always be set to NULL.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>If a UI requires this feature it indicates the same thing as
-ui:noUserResize, and additionally it means that the UI will not resize
-the main widget on its own - it will always remain the same size (e.g. a
-pixmap based GUI). This feature may not make sense for all UI types.
-The data pointer for the LV2_Feature for this feature should always be set
-to NULL.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>The parent for the UI.</p>
-<p>This feature can be used to pass a parent (e.g. a widget, container, canvas,
-etc.) the UI should be a child of. The format of data pointer of this feature
-is determined by the UI type, and is generally the same type as the LV2_Widget
-the UI would return (e.g. for a GtkUI the data would be a pointer to a
-GtkWidget which is a GtkContainer). This is particularly useful for
-cross-toolkit embedding, where the parent often must be known at construction
-time for embedding to work correctly. UIs should not require this feature
-unless it is absolutely necessary for them to work at all.</p>
-""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [
- a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty ui:plugin ;
- owl:cardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:comment "A PortNotification MUST have exactly one ui:plugin." ;
- ] ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A port notification. This describes which ports the host must send
-notifications to the UI about. The port can be specific by index, using the
-ui:portIndex property, or symbol, using the lv2:symbol property. Since port
-indices are not guaranteed to be stable between different revisions (or even
-instantiations) of a plugin, symbol is recommended, and index may only be used
-by UIs shipped in the same bundle as the plugin.</p>
-<p>A ui:PortNotification MUST have either a ui:portIndex or a lv2:symbol to
-indicate which port it refers to.</p>
-""" .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:domain ui:UI ;
- rdfs:range ui:PortNotification ;
- rdfs:label "port notification" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>Indicates that a UI should receive notification (via
-LV2UI_Descriptor::port_event()) when a particular port's value changes.</p>
-<p>For example:</p>
-<pre class="turtle-code">
- a ui:GtkUI ;
- ui:portNotification [
- ui:plugin eg:plugin ;
- lv2:symbol "gain" ;
- ui:protocol ui:floatProtocol
- ] .
-""" .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
- rdfs:range lv2:Plugin ;
- rdfs:label "plugin" ;
- rdfs:comment "The plugin a portNotification applies to." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
- rdfs:range xsd:decimal ;
- rdfs:label "port index" ;
- rdfs:comment "The index of the port a portNotification applies to." .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
- rdfs:label "notify type" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>Indicates a particular type that the UI should be notified of. In the case
-of ports where several types of data can be present (e.g. event ports), this
-can be used to indicate that only a particular type of data should cause
-notification. This is useful where port traffic is very dense, but only a
-certain small number of events are actually of interest to the UI.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ,
- lv2:ExtensionData ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A feature that allows the UI to notify the host about its current size, or
-request a size change. This feature corresponds to the LV2UI_Resize struct,
-which should be passed with the URI LV2_UI__resize. This struct may also be
-provided by the UI as extension data using the same URI, in which case it is
-used by the host to request that the UI change its size.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A feature for accessing the index of a port by symbol. This makes it
-possible to implement and distribute UIs separately from the plugin binaries
-they control. This feature corresponds to the LV2UI_Port_Index struct, which
-should be passed with the URI LV2_UI__portIndex.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A feature for dynamically subscribing to updates from a port. This makes it
-possible for a UI to explicitly request a particular style of update from a
-port at run-time, in a more flexible and powerful way than listing
-subscriptions statically allows. This feature corresponds to the
-LV2UI_Port_Subscribe struct, which should be passed with the URI
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A feature to notify the host that the user has grabbed a particular port
-control. This is useful for automation, so the host can allow the user to take
-control of a port, even if that port would otherwise be automated (much like
-grabbing a physical morotised fader). It can also be used for MIDI learn or in
-any other situation where the host needs to do something with a particular
-control and it would be convenient for the user to select it directly from the
-plugin UI. This feature corresponds to the LV2UI_Touch struct, which
-should be passed with the URI LV2_UI__touch.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:Feature ,
- lv2:ExtensionData ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A feature that provides a callback for the host to call rapidly to drive the
-UI. To support this feature, the UI should list it as a lv2:optionalFeature or
-lv2:requiredFeature in its data, and also as lv2:extensionData. When the UI's
-extension_data() is called with this URI (LV2_UI__idleInterface), it should
-return a pointer to an LV2UI_Idle_Interface.</p>
-<p>To indicate support, the host should pass a feature to instantiate() with
-this URI, with NULL for data.</p>
-""" .
- a lv2:ExtensionData ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>An interface for showing and hiding a window for a UI. This allows UIs to
-gracefully degrade to separate windows when the host is unable to embed the UI
-widget for whatever reason. When the UI's extension_data() is called with this
-URI (LV2_UI__showInterface), it should return a pointer to an
-""" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:label "window title" ;
- rdfs:comment "The title for the window shown by LV2UI_Show_Interface." .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:label "update rate" ;
- rdfs:comment "The target rate, in Hz, to send updates to the UI." .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:domain ui:PortNotification ;
- rdfs:range ui:PortProtocol ;
- rdfs:label "protocol" ;
- rdfs:comment "The protocol to be used for this notification." .
- a rdfs:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf lv2:Feature ;
- rdfs:label "Port Protocol" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A PortProtocol defines a method to communicate port data between a UI and
-<p>Any PortProtocol MUST define:</p>
-<tr><th>Port Type</th>
- <td>Which plugin port types the buffer type is valid for.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Feature Data</th>
- <td>What data (if any) should be passed in the LV2_Feature.</td></tr>
-<p>Any PortProtocol for an output port MUST define:</p>
-<tr><th>Update Frequency</th>
- <td>When the host should call port_event().</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Update Format</th>
- <td>The format of the data in the buffer passed to port_event().</td></tr>
- <td>The format of the options passed to subscribe() and unsubscribe().</td>
-<p>Any PortProtocol for an input port MUST define:</p>
-<tr><th>Write Format</th>
- <td>The format of the data in the buffer passed to write_port().</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Write Effect</th>
- <td>What happens when the UI calls write_port().</td></tr>
-<p>For an example, see ui:floatProtocol or ui:peakProtocol.
-<p>PortProtocol is a subclass of lv2:Feature, so UIs use lv2:optionalFeature and
-lv2:requiredFeature to specify which PortProtocols they want to use.
-""" .
- a ui:PortProtocol ;
- rdfs:label "floating point value" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>A protocol for transferring single floating point values. The rules for
-this protocol are:</p>
-<tr><th>Port Type</th>
- <td>lv2:ControlPort</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Feature Data</th>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Update Frequency</th>
- <td>The host SHOULD call port_event() as soon as possible when the port
- value has changed, but there are no timing guarantees.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Update Format</th>
- <td>A single <code>float</code>.</td></tr>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Write Format</th>
- <td>A single <code>float</code>.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Write Effect</th>
- <td>The host SHOULD set the port to the received value as soon as possible,
- but there is no guarantee that run() actually sees this value.</td></tr>
-""" .
- a ui:PortProtocol ;
- rdfs:label "peak measurement for a period of audio" ;
- lv2:documentation """
-<p>This port protocol defines a way for the host to send continuous peak
-measurements of the audio signal at a certain port to the UI. The
-intended use is visualisation, e.g. an animated meter widget that shows
-the level of the audio input or output.</p>
-<p>A contiguous sequence of audio samples for which a peak value has been
-computed is called a <em>measurement period</em>.</p>
-<p>The rules for this protocol are:</p>
-<tr><th>Port Type</th>
- <td>lv2:AudioPort</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Feature Data</th>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Update Frequency</th>
- <td>The host SHOULD call port_event() at regular intervals. The
- measurement periods used for calls to port_event() for the same port SHOULD
- be contiguous (i.e. the measurement period for one call should begin right
- after the end of the measurement period for the previous call ends) unless
- the UI has removed and re-added the port subscription between those calls.
- However, UIs MUST NOT depend on either the regularity of the calls or the
- contiguity of the measurement periods; hosts may change the call rate or
- skip calls for performance or other reasons. Measurement periods for
- different calls to port_event() for the same port MUST NOT
- overlap.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Update Format</th>
- <td>A single LV2UI_Peak_Data object.</td></tr>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Write Format</th>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-<tr><th>Write Effect</th>
- <td>None.</td></tr>
-""" .