path: root/lv2/units/units.ttl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lv2/units/units.ttl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/lv2/units/units.ttl b/lv2/units/units.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index 959c063..0000000
--- a/lv2/units/units.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
-@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
-@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
-@prefix units: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units#> .
-@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
- a owl:Ontology ;
- rdfs:label "LV2 Units" ;
- rdfs:comment "Units for LV2 values." ;
- rdfs:seeAlso <units.h> ,
- <units.meta.ttl> .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "Unit" ;
- rdfs:comment "A unit for a control value." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:range units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "unit" ;
- rdfs:comment "The unit used by the value of a port or parameter." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "unit format string" ;
- rdfs:domain units:Unit ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:comment """A printf format string for rendering a value (e.g., "%f dB").""" .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:label "unit symbol" ;
- rdfs:domain units:Unit ;
- rdfs:range xsd:string ;
- rdfs:comment """The abbreviated symbol for this unit (e.g., "dB").""" .
- a rdfs:Class ,
- owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [
- a owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty units:to ;
- owl:cardinality 1 ;
- rdfs:comment "A conversion MUST have exactly 1 units:to property."
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "Conversion" ;
- rdfs:comment "A conversion from one unit to another." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:domain units:Unit ;
- rdfs:range units:Conversion ;
- rdfs:label "conversion" ;
- rdfs:comment "A conversion from this unit to another." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf units:conversion ;
- rdfs:domain units:Unit ;
- rdfs:range units:Conversion ;
- rdfs:label "prefix conversion" ;
- rdfs:comment "A conversion from this unit to another with the same base but a different prefix." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:domain units:Conversion ;
- rdfs:range units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "conversion target" ;
- rdfs:comment "The target unit this conversion converts to." .
- a rdf:Property ,
- owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:domain units:Conversion ;
- rdfs:label "conversion factor" ;
- rdfs:comment "The factor to multiply the source value by in order to convert to the target unit." .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.0166666666 ;
- units:to units:min
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "seconds" ;
- rdfs:comment "Seconds, the SI base unit for time." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 1000 ;
- units:to units:ms
- ] ;
- units:render "%f s" ;
- units:symbol "s" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "milliseconds" ;
- rdfs:comment "Milliseconds (thousandths of seconds)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:s
- ] ;
- units:render "%f ms" ;
- units:symbol "ms" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 60.0 ;
- units:to units:s
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "minutes" ;
- rdfs:comment "Minutes (60s of seconds and 60ths of an hour)." ;
- units:render "%f mins" ;
- units:symbol "min" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "bars" ;
- rdfs:comment "Musical bars or measures." ;
- units:render "%f bars" ;
- units:symbol "bars" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "beats" ;
- rdfs:comment "Musical beats." ;
- units:render "%f beats" ;
- units:symbol "beats" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "audio frames" ;
- rdfs:comment "Audio frames or samples." ;
- units:render "%f frames" ;
- units:symbol "frames" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 39.37 ;
- units:to units:inch
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "metres" ;
- rdfs:comment "Metres, the SI base unit for length." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 100 ;
- units:to units:cm
- ] , [
- units:factor 1000 ;
- units:to units:mm
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:km
- ] ;
- units:render "%f m" ;
- units:symbol "m" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.3937 ;
- units:to units:inch
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "centimetres" ;
- rdfs:comment "Centimetres (hundredths of metres)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 0.01 ;
- units:to units:m
- ] , [
- units:factor 10 ;
- units:to units:mm
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.00001 ;
- units:to units:km
- ] ;
- units:render "%f cm" ;
- units:symbol "cm" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.03937 ;
- units:to units:inch
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "millimetres" ;
- rdfs:comment "Millimetres (thousandths of metres)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:m
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.1 ;
- units:to units:cm
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.000001 ;
- units:to units:km
- ] ;
- units:render "%f mm" ;
- units:symbol "mm" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.62138818 ;
- units:to units:mile
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "kilometres" ;
- rdfs:comment "Kilometres (thousands of metres)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 1000 ;
- units:to units:m
- ] , [
- units:factor 100000 ;
- units:to units:cm
- ] , [
- units:factor 1000000 ;
- units:to units:mm
- ] ;
- units:render "%f km" ;
- units:symbol "km" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.0254 ;
- units:to units:m
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "inches" ;
- rdfs:comment "An inch, defined as exactly 0.0254 metres." ;
- units:render "%f\"" ;
- units:symbol "in" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 1609.344 ;
- units:to units:m
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "miles" ;
- rdfs:comment "A mile, defined as exactly 1609.344 metres." ;
- units:render "%f mi" ;
- units:symbol "mi" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "decibels" ;
- rdfs:comment "Decibels, a logarithmic relative unit where 0 is unity." ;
- units:render "%f dB" ;
- units:symbol "dB" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.01 ;
- units:to units:coef
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "percent" ;
- rdfs:comment "Percentage, a ratio as a fraction of 100." ;
- units:render "%f%%" ;
- units:symbol "%" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 100 ;
- units:to units:pc
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "coefficient" ;
- rdfs:comment "A scale coefficient where 1 is unity, or 100 percent." ;
- units:render "* %f" ;
- units:symbol "" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "hertz" ;
- rdfs:comment "Hertz, or inverse seconds, the SI derived unit for frequency." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:khz
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.000001 ;
- units:to units:mhz
- ] ;
- units:render "%f Hz" ;
- units:symbol "Hz" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "kilohertz" ;
- rdfs:comment "Kilohertz (thousands of Hertz)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 1000 ;
- units:to units:hz
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:mhz
- ] ;
- units:render "%f kHz" ;
- units:symbol "kHz" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "megahertz" ;
- rdfs:comment "Megahertz (millions of Hertz)." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 1000000 ;
- units:to units:hz
- ] , [
- units:factor 0.001 ;
- units:to units:khz
- ] ;
- units:render "%f MHz" ;
- units:symbol "MHz" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "beats per minute" ;
- rdfs:comment "Beats Per Minute (BPM), the standard unit for musical tempo." ;
- units:prefixConversion [
- units:factor 0.0166666666 ;
- units:to units:hz
- ] ;
- units:render "%f BPM" ;
- units:symbol "BPM" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 12.0 ;
- units:to units:semitone12TET
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "octaves" ;
- rdfs:comment "Octaves, relative musical pitch where +1 octave doubles the frequency." ;
- units:render "%f octaves" ;
- units:symbol "oct" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.01 ;
- units:to units:semitone12TET
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "cents" ;
- rdfs:comment "Cents (hundredths of semitones)." ;
- units:render "%f ct" ;
- units:symbol "ct" .
- a units:Unit ;
- units:conversion [
- units:factor 0.083333333 ;
- units:to units:oct
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "semitones" ;
- rdfs:comment "A semitone in the 12-tone equal temperament scale." ;
- units:render "%f semi" ;
- units:symbol "semi" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "degrees" ;
- rdfs:comment "An angle where 360 degrees is one full rotation." ;
- units:render "%f deg" ;
- units:symbol "deg" .
- a units:Unit ;
- rdfs:label "MIDI note" ;
- rdfs:comment "A MIDI note number." ;
- units:render "MIDI note %d" ;
- units:symbol "note" .