This document is content-negotiated. If you request it with Accept: application\/x-turtle<\/code> you will get the description in Turtle. Also supported: application\/rdf+xml<\/code>, application\/json<\/code>, text\/plain<\/code><\/div><\/body>/'"); # Return NTriples (text/plain) } else if ($text_plain) { header("Content-Type: text/plain"); passthru("~/bin/rapper -q -i turtle -o ntriples ./$name.ttl"); # Return Turtle ontology by default } else { header("Content-Type: application/x-turtle"); passthru("cat ./$name.ttl"); } function accepts($type) { global $_SERVER; if (preg_match("/$type(;q=(\d+\.\d+))?/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], $matches)) { return isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 1; } else { return 0; } } ?> 'hidden' name='h' value='v1.18.2'/>
path: root/waf