#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012 """ Run a Matlab script. Note that the script is run in the directory where it lives -- Matlab won't allow it any other way. For error-catching purposes, keep an own log-file that is destroyed if the task finished without error. If not, it will show up as mscript_[index].log in the bldnode directory. Usage:: ctx(features='run_m_script', source='some_script.m', target=['some_table.tex', 'some_figure.eps'], deps='some_data.mat') """ import os, sys from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Logs MATLAB_COMMANDS = ['matlab'] def configure(ctx): ctx.find_program(MATLAB_COMMANDS, var='MATLABCMD', errmsg = """\n No Matlab executable found!\n\n If Matlab is needed:\n 1) Check the settings of your system path. 2) Note we are looking for Matlab executables called: %s If yours has a different name, please report to hmgaudecker [at] gmail\n Else:\n Do not load the 'run_m_script' tool in the main wscript.\n\n""" % MATLAB_COMMANDS) ctx.env.MATLABFLAGS = '-wait -nojvm -nosplash -minimize' class run_m_script_base(Task.Task): """Run a Matlab script.""" run_str = '"${MATLABCMD}" ${MATLABFLAGS} -logfile "${LOGFILEPATH}" -r "try, ${MSCRIPTTRUNK}, exit(0), catch err, disp(err.getReport()), exit(1), end"' shell = True class run_m_script(run_m_script_base): """Erase the Matlab overall log file if everything went okay, else raise an error and print its 10 last lines. """ def run(self): ret = run_m_script_base.run(self) logfile = self.env.LOGFILEPATH if ret: mode = 'r' if sys.version_info.major >= 3: mode = 'rb' with open(logfile, mode=mode) as f: tail = f.readlines()[-10:] Logs.error("""Running Matlab on %r returned the error %r\n\nCheck the log file %s, last 10 lines\n\n%s\n\n\n""", self.inputs[0], ret, logfile, '\n'.join(tail)) else: os.remove(logfile) return ret @TaskGen.feature('run_m_script') @TaskGen.before_method('process_source') def apply_run_m_script(tg): """Task generator customising the options etc. to call Matlab in batch mode for running a m-script. """ # Convert sources and targets to nodes src_node = tg.path.find_resource(tg.source) tgt_nodes = [tg.path.find_or_declare(t) for t in tg.to_list(tg.target)] tsk = tg.create_task('run_m_script', src=src_node, tgt=tgt_nodes) tsk.cwd = src_node.parent.abspath() tsk.env.MSCRIPTTRUNK = os.path.splitext(src_node.name)[0] tsk.env.LOGFILEPATH = os.path.join(tg.bld.bldnode.abspath(), '%s_%d.log' % (tsk.env.MSCRIPTTRUNK, tg.idx)) # dependencies (if the attribute 'deps' changes, trigger a recompilation) for x in tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'deps', [])): node = tg.path.find_resource(x) if not node: tg.bld.fatal('Could not find dependency %r for running %r' % (x, src_node.abspath())) tsk.dep_nodes.append(node) Logs.debug('deps: found dependencies %r for running %r', tsk.dep_nodes, src_node.abspath()) # Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list tg.source = [] 68b6cc7acb8d4a9ddc5 (plain)