@prefix doap: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix param: . @prefix pg: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . a lv2:Specification ; rdfs:seeAlso <../../meta/meta.ttl> ; doap:name "LV2 Parameters" ; doap:release [ doap:revision "0.2" ; doap:created "2012-03-23" ] ; doap:created "2009-00-00" ; doap:shortdesc "Common parameters for audio processing." ; doap:maintainer ; doap:developer ; lv2:documentation """

This extension defines parameters common in audio processing software. A parameter is purely a metadata concept, unrelated to any particular code mechanism. Parameters are used to assign meaning to controls so they can be used more intelligently or presented to the user more efficiently.

""" . param:ControlGroup a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf pg:Group ; rdfs:comment """ A group representing a set of associated controls. """ . param:amplitude a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Amplitude" . param:attack a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Attack" ; rdfs:comment "The duration of an envelope's attack stage." . param:cutoffFrequency a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Cutoff Frequency" . param:decay a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Decay" ; rdfs:comment "The duration of an envelope's decay stage." . param:delay a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Delay" ; rdfs:comment "The duration of an envelope's delay stage." . param:frequency a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Frequency" . param:hold a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Hold" ; rdfs:comment "The duration of an envelope's hold stage." . param:pulseWidth a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Pulse Width" ; rdfs:comment "The width of a pulse of a rectangular waveform." . param:ratio a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Ratio" ; rdfs:comment "Compression ration." . param:release a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Release" ; rdfs:comment "The duration of an envelope's release stage." . param:resonance a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Resonance" ; rdfs:comment "The resonance of a filter." . param:sustain a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Sustain" ; rdfs:comment "The level (not duration) of an envelope's sustain stage." . param:threshold a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Threshold" ; rdfs:comment "Compression threshold." . param:waveform a lv2:Parameter ; rdfs:label "Waveform" . param:EnvelopeControls a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf param:ControlGroup ; rdfs:label "Controls for a DAHDSR envelope." ; pg:element [ lv2:index 0 ; lv2:designation param:delay ] , [ lv2:index 1 ; lv2:designation param:attack ] , [ lv2:index 2 ; lv2:designation param:hold ] , [ lv2:index 3 ; lv2:designation param:decay ] , [ lv2:index 4 ; lv2:designation param:sustain ] , [ lv2:index 5 ; lv2:designation param:release ] . param:OscillatorControls a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf param:ControlGroup ; rdfs:label "Controls for an oscillator." ; pg:element [ lv2:designation param:frequency ] , [ lv2:designation param:amplitude ] , [ lv2:designation param:waveform ] , [ lv2:designation param:pulseWidth ] . param:FilterControls a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf param:ControlGroup ; rdfs:label "Controls for a filter." ; pg:element [ lv2:designation param:cutoffFrequency ] , [ lv2:designation param:resonance ] . param:CompressorControls a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf param:ControlGroup ; rdfs:label "Controls for a compressor." ; pg:element [ lv2:designation param:threshold ] , [ lv2:designation param:ratio ] .