@prefix dcs: <http://ontologi.es/doap-changeset#> .
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
@prefix pg: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-groups#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

	a doap:Project ;
	doap:license <http://opensource.org/licenses/isc> ;
	doap:name "LV2 Port Groups" ;
	doap:shortdesc "Multi-channel groups of LV2 ports." ;
	doap:created "2008-00-00" ;
	doap:developer <http://lv2plug.in/ns/meta#larsl> ,
		<http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
	doap:release [
		doap:revision "1.4" ;
		doap:created "2020-04-26" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.18.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Replace broken links with detailed Ambisonic channel descriptions."
			] , [
				rdfs:label "Remove incorrect type of pg:letterCode."
	] , [
		doap:revision "1.2" ;
		doap:created "2012-10-14" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.2.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Use consistent label style."
	] , [
		doap:revision "1.0" ;
		doap:created "2012-04-17" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.0.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Initial release."
	] .

	lv2:documentation """

A group logically combines ports which should be considered part of the same
stream.  For example, two audio ports in a group may form a stereo stream.

Like ports, groups have a lv2:symbol that is unique within the context of the
plugin, where group symbols and port symbols reside in the same namespace.  In
other words, a group on a plugin MUST NOT have the same symbol as any other
group or port on that plugin.  This makes it possible to uniquely reference a
port or group on a plugin with a single identifier and no context.

Group definitions may be shared across plugins for brevity.  For example, a
plugin collection may define a single URI for a pg:StereoGroup with the symbol
"input" and use it in many plugins.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this port or group should be considered a "side chain" of some
other port or group.  The precise definition of "side chain" depends on the
plugin, but in general this group should be considered a modifier to some other
group, rather than an independent input itself.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this group is a child of another group.  This property has no
meaning with respect to plugin execution, but the host may find this
information useful to provide a better user interface.  Note that being a
sub-group does not relax the restriction that the group MUST have a unique
symbol with respect to the plugin.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this port or group should be considered the "result" of some
other port or group.  This property only makes sense on groups with outputs
when the source is a group with inputs.  This can be used to convey a
relationship between corresponding input and output groups with different
types, for example in a mono to stereo plugin.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this group should be considered the "main" input, i.e. the
primary task is processing the signal in this group.  A plugin MUST NOT have
more than one pg:mainInput property.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this group should be considered the "main" output.  The main
output group SHOULD have the main input group as a pg:source.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

Indicates that this port is a part of a group of ports on the plugin.  The port
should also have an lv2:designation property to define its designation within
that group.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

These groups are divided into channels where each represents a particular
speaker location.  The position of sound in one of these groups depends on a
particular speaker configuration.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

These groups are divided into channels which together represent a position in
an abstract n-dimensional space. The position of sound in one of these groups
does not depend on a particular speaker configuration; a decoder can be used to
convert an ambisonic stream for any speaker configuration.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .