@prefix lv2: . @prefix owl: . @prefix pprops: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "LV2 Port Properties" ; rdfs:comment "Various properties for LV2 plugin ports." ; rdfs:seeAlso . pprops:trigger a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "trigger" ; rdfs:comment "Port is a momentary trigger." . pprops:supportsStrictBounds a lv2:Feature ; rdfs:label "supports strict bounds" ; rdfs:comment "A feature indicating plugin support for strict port bounds." . pprops:hasStrictBounds a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "has strict bounds" ; rdfs:comment "Port has strict bounds which are not internally clamped." . pprops:expensive a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "changes are expensive" ; rdfs:comment "Input port is expensive to change." . pprops:causesArtifacts a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "changes cause artifacts" ; rdfs:comment "Input port causes audible artifacts when changed." . pprops:continuousCV a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "smooth modulation signal" ; rdfs:comment "Port carries a smooth modulation signal." . pprops:discreteCV a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "discrete modulation signal" ; rdfs:comment "Port carries a discrete modulation signal." . pprops:logarithmic a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "logarithmic" ; rdfs:comment "Port value is logarithmic." . pprops:notAutomatic a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "not automatic" ; rdfs:comment "Port that is not intended to be fed with a modulation signal." . pprops:notOnGUI a lv2:PortProperty ; rdfs:label "not on GUI" ; rdfs:comment "Port that should not be displayed on a GUI." . pprops:displayPriority a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain lv2:Port ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:label "display priority" ; rdfs:comment "A priority ranking this port in importance to its plugin." . pprops:rangeSteps a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain lv2:Port ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:label "range steps" ; rdfs:comment "The number of even steps the range should be divided into." .