@prefix dcs: <http://ontologi.es/doap-changeset#> .
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix urid: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid#> .

	a doap:Project ;
	doap:license <http://opensource.org/licenses/isc> ;
	doap:name "LV2 URID" ;
	doap:shortdesc "Features for mapping URIs to and from integers." ;
	doap:created "2011-07-22" ;
	doap:developer <http://lv2plug.in/ns/meta#gabrbedd> ;
	doap:maintainer <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
	doap:release [
		doap:revision "1.4" ;
		doap:created "2012-10-14" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.2.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Fix typo in urid:unmap documentation."
	] , [
		doap:revision "1.2" ;
		doap:created "2012-04-17" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.0.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Add feature struct names."
			] , [
				rdfs:label "Merge with unified LV2 package."
	] , [
		doap:revision "1.0" ;
		doap:created "2011-11-21" ;
		doap:file-release <http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-urid-1.0.tar.bz2> ;
		dcs:blame <http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me> ;
		dcs:changeset [
			dcs:item [
				rdfs:label "Initial release."
	] ;
	lv2:documentation """

This extension defines a simple mechanism for plugins to map URIs to and from
integers.  This is usually used for performance reasons, for example for
processing events with URI types in real-time audio code).  Typically, plugins
map URIs to integers for things they "understand" at instantiation time, and
store those values for use in the audio thread without doing any string
comparison.  This allows for the extensibility of RDF but with the performance
of integers.

This extension is intended as an improved and simplified replacement for the
[uri-map](uri-map.html) extension, since the `map` context parameter there has
proven problematic.  This extension is functionally equivalent to the uri-map
extension with a NULL context.  New implementations are encouraged to use this
extension for URI mapping.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

To support this feature, the host must pass an LV2_Feature to
LV2_Descriptor::instantiate() with URI LV2_URID__map and data pointed to an
instance of LV2_URID_Map.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .

	lv2:documentation """

To support this feature, the host must pass an LV2_Feature to
LV2_Descriptor::instantiate() with URI LV2_URID__unmap and data pointed to an
instance of LV2_URID_Unmap.

"""^^lv2:Markdown .