<!-- ...................................................................... --> <!-- XHTML Hypertext Module .............................................. --> <!-- file: xhtml-hypertext-1.mod This is XHTML, a reformulation of HTML as a modular XML application. Copyright 1998-2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Revision: $Id: xhtml-hypertext-1.mod,v 4.0 2001/04/02 22:42:49 altheim Exp $ SMI This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Hypertext 1.0//EN" SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-hypertext-1.mod" Revisions: (none) ....................................................................... --> <!-- Hypertext a This module declares the anchor ('a') element type, which defines the source of a hypertext link. The destination (or link 'target') is identified via its 'id' attribute rather than the 'name' attribute as was used in HTML. --> <!-- ............ Anchor Element ............ --> <!ENTITY % a.element "INCLUDE" > <![%a.element;[ <!ENTITY % a.content "( #PCDATA | %InlNoAnchor.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % a.qname "a" > <!ELEMENT %a.qname; %a.content; > <!-- end of a.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % a.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%a.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %a.qname; %Common.attrib; href %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED charset %Charset.datatype; #IMPLIED type %ContentType.datatype; #IMPLIED hreflang %LanguageCode.datatype; #IMPLIED rel %LinkTypes.datatype; #IMPLIED rev %LinkTypes.datatype; #IMPLIED accesskey %Character.datatype; #IMPLIED tabindex %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!-- end of a.attlist -->]]> <!-- end of xhtml-hypertext-1.mod -->