<!-- ...................................................................... --> <!-- XHTML Legacy Markup Module ........................................... --> <!-- file: xhtml-legacy-1.mod This is an extension of XHTML, a reformulation of HTML as a modular XML application. Copyright 1998-2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Revision: $Id: xhtml-legacy-1.mod,v 1.4 2008/10/08 21:02:31 jules Exp $ SMI This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Legacy Markup 1.0//EN" SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-legacy-1.mod" Revisions: (none) ....................................................................... --> <!-- HTML Legacy Markup font, basefont, center, s, strike, u, dir, menu, isindex (plus additional datatypes and attributes) This optional module declares additional markup for simple presentation-related markup based on features found in the HTML 4 Transitional and Frameset DTDs. This relies on inclusion of the Legacy Redeclarations module. This module also declares the frames, inline frames and object modules. This is to allow XHTML 1.1 documents to be transformed for display on HTML browsers where CSS support is inconsistent or unavailable. --> <!-- Constructing a Legacy DTD To construct a DTD driver obtaining a close approximation of the HTML 4 Transitional and Frameset DTDs, declare the Legacy Redeclarations module as the pre-framework redeclaration parameter entity (%xhtml-prefw-redecl.mod;) and INCLUDE its conditional section: ... <!ENTITY % xhtml-prefw-redecl.module "INCLUDE" > <![%xhtml-prefw-redecl.module;[ <!ENTITY % xhtml-prefw-redecl.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Legacy Redeclarations 1.0//EN" "xhtml-legacy-redecl-1.mod" > %xhtml-prefw-redecl.mod;]]> Such a DTD should be named with a variant FPI and redeclare the value of the %XHTML.version; parameter entity to that FPI: "-//Your Name Here//DTD XHTML Legacy 1.1//EN" IMPORTANT: see also the notes included in the Legacy Redeclarations Module for information on how to construct a DTD using this module. --> <!-- Additional Element Types .................................... --> <!-- font: Local Font Modifier ........................ --> <!ENTITY % font.element "INCLUDE" > <![%font.element;[ <!ENTITY % font.content "( #PCDATA | %Inline.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % font.qname "font" > <!ELEMENT %font.qname; %font.content; > <!-- end of font.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % font.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%font.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %font.qname; %Core.attrib; %I18n.attrib; size CDATA #IMPLIED color %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED face CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- end of font.attlist -->]]> <!-- basefont: Base Font Size ......................... --> <!ENTITY % basefont.element "INCLUDE" > <![%basefont.element;[ <!ENTITY % basefont.content "EMPTY" > <!ENTITY % basefont.qname "basefont" > <!ELEMENT %basefont.qname; %basefont.content; > <!-- end of basefont.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % basefont.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%basefont.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %basefont.qname; %id.attrib; size CDATA #REQUIRED color %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED face CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- end of basefont.attlist -->]]> <!-- center: Center Alignment ......................... --> <!ENTITY % center.element "INCLUDE" > <![%center.element;[ <!ENTITY % center.content "( #PCDATA | %Flow.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % center.qname "center" > <!ELEMENT %center.qname; %center.content; > <!-- end of center.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % center.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%center.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %center.qname; %Common.attrib; > <!-- end of center.attlist -->]]> <!-- s: Strike-Thru Text Style ........................ --> <!ENTITY % s.element "INCLUDE" > <![%s.element;[ <!ENTITY % s.content "( #PCDATA | %Inline.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % s.qname "s" > <!ELEMENT %s.qname; %s.content; > <!-- end of s.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % s.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%s.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %s.qname; %Common.attrib; > <!-- end of s.attlist -->]]> <!-- strike: Strike-Thru Text Style ....................--> <!ENTITY % strike.element "INCLUDE" > <![%strike.element;[ <!ENTITY % strike.content "( #PCDATA | %Inline.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % strike.qname "strike" > <!ELEMENT %strike.qname; %strike.content; > <!-- end of strike.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % strike.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%strike.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %strike.qname; %Common.attrib; > <!-- end of strike.attlist -->]]> <!-- u: Underline Text Style ...........................--> <!ENTITY % u.element "INCLUDE" > <![%u.element;[ <!ENTITY % u.content "( #PCDATA | %Inline.mix; )*" > <!ENTITY % u.qname "u" > <!ELEMENT %u.qname; %u.content; > <!-- end of u.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % u.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%u.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %u.qname; %Common.attrib; > <!-- end of u.attlist -->]]> <!-- dir: Directory List .............................. --> <!-- NOTE: the content model for <dir> in HTML 4 excluded %Block.mix; --> <!ENTITY % dir.element "INCLUDE" > <![%dir.element;[ <!ENTITY % dir.content "( %li.qname; )+" > <!ENTITY % dir.qname "dir" > <!ELEMENT %dir.qname; %dir.content; > <!-- end of dir.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % dir.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%dir.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %dir.qname; %Common.attrib; compact ( compact ) #IMPLIED > <!-- end of dir.attlist -->]]> <!-- menu: Menu List .................................. --> <!-- NOTE: the content model for <menu> in HTML 4 excluded %Block.mix; --> <!ENTITY % menu.element "INCLUDE" > <![%menu.element;[ <!ENTITY % menu.content "( %li.qname; )+" > <!ENTITY % menu.qname "menu" > <!ELEMENT %menu.qname; %menu.content; > <!-- end of menu.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % menu.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%menu.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %menu.qname; %Common.attrib; compact ( compact ) #IMPLIED > <!-- end of menu.attlist -->]]> <!-- isindex: Single-Line Prompt ...................... --> <!ENTITY % isindex.element "INCLUDE" > <![%isindex.element;[ <!ENTITY % isindex.content "EMPTY" > <!ENTITY % isindex.qname "isindex" > <!ELEMENT %isindex.qname; %isindex.content; > <!-- end of isindex.element -->]]> <!ENTITY % isindex.attlist "INCLUDE" > <![%isindex.attlist;[ <!ATTLIST %isindex.qname; %Core.attrib; %I18n.attrib; prompt %Text.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!-- end of isindex.attlist -->]]> <!-- Additional Attributes ....................................... --> <!-- Alignment attribute for Transitional use in HTML browsers (this functionality is generally well-supported in CSS, except within some contexts) --> <!ENTITY % align.attrib "align ( left | center | right | justify ) #IMPLIED" > <!ATTLIST %applet.qname; align ( top | middle | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED hspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED vspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %body.qname; background %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED bgcolor %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED text %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED link %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED vlink %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED alink %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %br.qname; clear ( left | all | right | none ) 'none' > <!ATTLIST %caption.qname; align ( top | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %div.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h1.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h2.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h3.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h4.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h5.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %h6.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %hr.qname; align ( left | center | right ) #IMPLIED noshade ( noshade ) #IMPLIED size %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %img.qname; align ( top | middle | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED border %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED hspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED vspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %input.qname; align ( top | middle | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %legend.qname; align ( top | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %li.qname; type CDATA #IMPLIED value %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %object.qname; align ( top | middle | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED border %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED hspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED vspace %Pixels.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %dl.qname; compact ( compact ) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %ol.qname; type CDATA #IMPLIED compact ( compact ) #IMPLIED start %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %p.qname; %align.attrib; > <!ATTLIST %pre.qname; width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %script.qname; language %ContentType.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %table.qname; align ( left | center | right ) #IMPLIED bgcolor %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %tr.qname; bgcolor %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %th.qname; nowrap ( nowrap ) #IMPLIED bgcolor %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %td.qname; nowrap ( nowrap ) #IMPLIED bgcolor %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST %ul.qname; type CDATA #IMPLIED compact ( compact ) #IMPLIED > <!-- Frames Module ............................................... --> <!ENTITY % xhtml-frames.module "IGNORE" > <![%xhtml-frames.module;[ <!ENTITY % xhtml-frames.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Frames 1.0//EN" "xhtml-frames-1.mod" > %xhtml-frames.mod;]]> <!-- Inline Frames Module ........................................ --> <!ENTITY % xhtml-iframe.module "INCLUDE" > <![%xhtml-iframe.module;[ <!ATTLIST %iframe.qname; align ( top | middle | bottom | left | right ) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % xhtml-iframe.mod PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Inline Frame Element 1.0//EN" "xhtml-iframe-1.mod" > %xhtml-iframe.mod;]]> <!-- end of xhtml-legacy-1.mod -->