#!/usr/bin/env python import datetime import glob import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf import waflib.Context as Context import waflib.Logs as Logs import waflib.Options as Options import waflib.Scripting as Scripting # Variables for 'waf dist' APPNAME = 'lv2' VERSION = '1.0.5' # Mandatory variables top = '.' out = 'build' def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cc') opt.load('compiler_cxx') autowaf.set_options(opt) opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_tests', help="Build unit tests") opt.add_option('--no-plugins', action='store_true', default=False, dest='no_plugins', help="Do not build example plugins") opt.add_option('--copy-headers', action='store_true', default=False, dest='copy_headers', help='Copy headers instead of linking to bundle') for i in ['lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core']: opt.recurse(i) def get_subdirs(with_plugins=True): subdirs = ['lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core/', 'lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/meta/'] subdirs += glob.glob('lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/*/') subdirs += glob.glob('lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/*/') if with_plugins: subdirs += glob.glob('plugins/*/') return subdirs def configure(conf): try: conf.load('compiler_c') conf.load('compiler_cxx') except: Options.options.build_tests = False Options.options.no_plugins = True autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.set_recursive() conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-std=c99') conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = Options.options.build_tests conf.env['BUILD_PLUGINS'] = not Options.options.no_plugins conf.env['COPY_HEADERS'] = Options.options.copy_headers if not hasattr(os.path, 'relpath') and not Options.options.copy_headers: conf.fatal( 'os.path.relpath missing, get Python 2.6 or use --copy-headers') # Check for gcov library (for test coverage) if conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and not conf.is_defined('HAVE_GCOV'): if conf.env['MSVC_COMPILER']: conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', ['-TP', '-MD']) else: conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-std=c99') conf.check_cc(lib='gcov', define_name='HAVE_GCOV', mandatory=False) subdirs = get_subdirs(conf.env['BUILD_PLUGINS']) for i in subdirs: try: conf.recurse(i) except: Logs.warn('Configuration failed, %s will not be built\n' % i) subdirs.remove(i) conf.env['LV2_SUBDIRS'] = subdirs autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.display_header('LV2 Configuration') autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Bundle directory', conf.env['LV2DIR']) autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Version', VERSION) # Rule for copying a file to the build directory def copy(task): shutil.copy(task.inputs[0].abspath(), task.outputs[0].abspath()) def chop_lv2_prefix(s): if s.startswith('lv2/lv2plug.in/'): return s[len('lv2/lv2plug.in/'):] return s # Rule for calling lv2specgen on a spec bundle def specgen(task): import rdflib doap = rdflib.Namespace('http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#') lv2 = rdflib.Namespace('http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#') owl = rdflib.Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#') rdf = rdflib.Namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') sys.path.append("./lv2specgen") import lv2specgen spec = task.inputs[0] path = os.path.dirname(spec.srcpath()) indir = os.path.dirname(spec.abspath()) outdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(out, chop_lv2_prefix(path))) bundle = str(outdir) b = os.path.basename(outdir) if not os.access(spec.abspath(), os.R_OK): print('warning: extension %s has no %s.ttl file' % (root, root)) return try: model = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() for i in glob.glob('%s/*.ttl' % bundle): model.parse(i, format='n3') except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print('error parsing %s: %s' % (bundle, str(e))) return # Get extension URI ext_node = model.value(None, rdf.type, lv2.Specification) if not ext_node: print('no extension found in %s' % bundle) return ext = str(ext_node) # Get version minor = 0 micro = 0 try: minor = int(model.value(ext_node, lv2.minorVersion, None)) micro = int(model.value(ext_node, lv2.microVersion, None)) except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print("warning: %s: failed to find version for %s" % (bundle, ext)) # Get date date = None for r in model.triples([ext_node, doap.release, None]): revision = model.value(r[2], doap.revision, None) if revision == ("%d.%d" % (minor, micro)): date = model.value(r[2], doap.created, None) break # Verify that this date is the latest for r in model.triples([ext_node, doap.release, None]): revision = model.value(r[2], doap.revision, None) this_date = model.value(r[2], doap.created, None) if this_date > date: print("warning: %s revision %d.%d (%s) is not the latest release" % ( ext_node, minor, micro, date)) break # Get short description shortdesc = model.value(ext_node, doap.shortdesc, None) SPECGENDIR = 'lv2specgen' STYLEPATH = 'build/aux/style.css' TAGFILE = 'build/tags' specdoc = lv2specgen.specgen( spec.abspath(), SPECGENDIR, os.path.relpath(STYLEPATH, bundle), os.path.relpath('build/doc/html', bundle), TAGFILE, instances=True) lv2specgen.save(task.outputs[0].abspath(), specdoc) # Name (comment is to act as a sort key) row = '%s' % ( b, path[len('lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/'):], b) # Description if shortdesc: row += '' + str(shortdesc) + '' else: row += '' # Version version_str = '%s.%s' % (minor, micro) if minor == 0 or (micro % 2 != 0): row += '' + version_str + '' else: row += '' + version_str + '' # Status deprecated = model.value(ext_node, owl.deprecated, None) if minor == 0: row += 'Experimental' elif deprecated and str(deprecated[2]) != "false": row += 'Deprecated' elif micro % 2 == 0: row += 'Stable' row += '' index = open(os.path.join('build', 'index_rows', b), 'w') index.write(row) index.close() def subst_file(template, output, dict): i = open(template, 'r') o = open(output, 'w') for line in i: for key in dict: line = line.replace(key, dict[key]) o.write(line) i.close() o.close() # Task to build extension index def build_index(task): global index_lines rows = [] for f in task.inputs: if not f.abspath().endswith('index.html.in'): rowfile = open(f.abspath(), 'r') rows += rowfile.readlines() rowfile.close() subst_file(task.inputs[0].abspath(), task.outputs[0].abspath(), { '@ROWS@': ''.join(rows), '@TIME@': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%F %H:%M UTC') }) def build(bld): for i in bld.env['LV2_SUBDIRS']: bld.recurse(i) # LV2 pkgconfig file obj = bld(features = 'subst', source = 'lv2.pc.in', target = 'lv2.pc', install_path = '${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig', PREFIX = bld.env['PREFIX'], INCLUDEDIR = bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'], VERSION = VERSION) if bld.env['DOCS']: # Build Doxygen documentation (and tags file) autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'LV2', VERSION, top, out) # Copy stylesheet to build directory obj = bld(rule = copy, name = 'copy', source = 'doc/style.css', target = 'aux/style.css') index_files = [] # Prepare spec output directories for i in bld.env['LV2_SUBDIRS']: if i.startswith('lv2/lv2plug.in'): # Copy spec files to build dir for f in bld.path.ant_glob(i + '*.*'): obj = bld(rule = copy, name = 'copy', source = f, target = chop_lv2_prefix(f.srcpath())) base = i[len('lv2/lv2plug.in'):] name = os.path.basename(i[:len(i)-1]) # Generate .htaccess file obj = bld(features = 'subst', source = 'doc/htaccess.in', target = os.path.join(base, '.htaccess'), install_path = None, NAME = name, BASE = base) # Call lv2specgen for each spec for i in bld.env['LV2_SUBDIRS']: if i.startswith('lv2/lv2plug.in'): name = os.path.basename(i[:len(i)-1]) index_file = os.path.join('index_rows', name) index_files += [index_file] bld.add_group() # Barrier (don't call lv2specgen in parallel) # Call lv2specgen to generate spec docs obj = bld(rule = specgen, name = 'specgen', source = os.path.join(i, name + '.ttl'), target = ['%s%s.html' % (chop_lv2_prefix(i), name), index_file]) index_files.sort() bld.add_group() # Barrier (wait for lv2specgen to build index) # Build extension index obj = bld(rule = build_index, name = 'index', source = ['lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/index.html.in'] + index_files, target = 'ns/index.html') def lint(ctx): for i in (['lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core/lv2.h'] + glob.glob('lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/*/*.h') + glob.glob('lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/*/*.h') + glob.glob('plugins/*/*.c') + glob.glob('plugins/*.*.h')): subprocess.call('cpplint.py --filter=+whitespace/comments,-whitespace/tab,-whitespace/braces,-whitespace/labels,-build/header_guard,-readability/casting,-build/include,-runtime/sizeof ' + i, shell=True) class Dist(Scripting.Dist): def execute(self): "Execute but do not call archive() since dist() has already done so." self.recurse([os.path.dirname(Context.g_module.root_path)]) def get_tar_path(self, node): "Resolve symbolic links to avoid broken links in tarball." return os.path.realpath(node.abspath()) class DistCheck(Dist, Scripting.DistCheck): def execute(self): Dist.execute(self) self.check() def archive(self): Dist.archive(self) def news(ctx): path = ctx.path.abspath() autowaf.write_news('lv2', [os.path.join(path, 'lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/meta/meta.ttl')], 'NEWS') def pre_dist(ctx): # Write NEWS file in source directory news(ctx) def post_dist(ctx): # Delete generated NEWS file from source directory try: os.remove(os.path.join(ctx.path.abspath(), 'NEWS')) except: pass def dist(ctx): ctx.recurse(['.'] + get_subdirs(False), name='pre_dist') ctx.archive() ctx.recurse(['.'] + get_subdirs(False), name='post_dist')