Title: LV2 1.18.4 Date: 2022-05-26 04:00 Slug: lv2-1-18-4 Author: drobilla [LV2 1.18.4](//lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.18.4.tar.bz2) has been released. LV2 is a plugin standard for audio systems. It defines a minimal yet extensible C API for plugin code and a format for plugin "bundles". See for more information. Changes: * Fix build issues with newer toolchains. * Fix spelling errors. * atom: Fix spelling errors. * patch: Fix spelling errors. * patch: Fix type and range of patch:value. * patch: Make the type of patch:wildcard more precise. * state: Fix spelling errors. * ui: Deprecate ui:resize. * ui: Fix spelling errors.