Title: LV2 1.18.6 Date: 2022-07-07 00:00 Slug: lv2-1-18-6 Author: drobilla [LV2 1.18.6](https://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2-1.18.6.tar.xz) has been released. LV2 is a plugin standard for audio systems. It defines an extensible C API for plugins, and a format for self-contained "bundle" directories that contain plugins, metadata, and other resources. See for more information. Changes: * Add dark mode style for documentation. * Clean up and modernize Python support code. * Fix or avoid new compiler and tool warnings. * Rearrange source tree to be directly usable by dependants. * Remove archaic properties from foaf vocabulary. * Replace canonical dcs ontology with a minimal version for LV2. * Separate API headers from data. * Switch to Meson build system.