path: root/themes/lv2/
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <>2014-11-21 01:12:26 -0500
committerDavid Robillard <>2014-11-21 01:12:26 -0500
commitd38c4094a1aef8be93218adeefe66b20308d96e3 (patch)
tree7f1d451dd1edade63567504c67b61bbc24d7c683 /themes/lv2/
Initial website Markdown conversion.
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/lv2/')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/lv2/ b/themes/lv2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a17f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/lv2/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# pelican-bootstrap3
+This is a Bootstrap 3 theme for Pelican. It's fully responsive. Bootstrap 3 has seen an official, final release now, so
+I don't expect any breaking changes anymore. I will try to keep it up-to-date.
+If you want to adjust this theme to your own liking, I encourage you to fork it. This theme has started to gather more
+and more attention in the form of stars and forks. If you make improvements that are useful to others and can make the
+theme better in general **please don't hesitate to make a pull request**. For contributing guidelines, [look here](
+## Installation
+`git clone`
+Point the `THEME` variable in your `` to `/path/to/pelican-bootstrap3`
+## Usage
+This theme honors the following standard Pelican settings:
+* Putting feeds in the `<head>` section:
+* Template settings:
+ * `LINKS` (Blogroll will be put in the sidebar instead of the head)
+* Analytics & Comments
+ * `GOOGLE_ANALYTICS` (classic tracking code)
+It uses the `tag_cloud` variable for displaying tags in the sidebar. You can control the amount of tags shown with: `TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS`
+## Extras
+### Bootswatch and other Bootstrap 3 themes
+Part of the versatility of this theme comes from the fact that I included all the lovely Bootstrap 3 themes from [Bootswatch](, built by [Thomas Park]( You can tell Pelican what Bootswatch theme to use, by setting `BOOTSTRAP_THEME` to the desired theme, in lowercase (ie. 'readable' or 'cosmo' etc.). My own site is using _Readable_. If you want to use any other Bootstrap 3 compatible theme, just put the minified CSS in the `static/css` directory and rename it using the following naming scheme: `bootstrap.{theme-name}.min.css`. Then update the `BOOTSTRAP_THEME` variable with the _theme-name_ used.
+#### Update: Readable has seen some major changes. I added the new version as 'readable' and renamed the old version to 'readable-old'. Update your config accordingly.
+### Article info
+Set `SHOW_ARTICLE_AUTHOR` to True to show the author of the article at the top of the article and in the index of articles. Set `SHOW_ARTICLE_CATEGORY` to show the Category of each article.
+### Custom CSS
+If you want to add custom css to the theme, without having to clone and maintain your own version of the theme, you can use the `CUSTOM_CSS` variable. The value is the location where you tell Pelican to put the file (see below):
+CUSTOM_CSS = 'static/custom.css'
+To tell Pelican to copy the relevant file to the desired destination, add the path to `STATIC_PATHS` and the destination to `EXTRA_PATH_METADATA`, like so:
+# Tell Pelican to add 'extra/custom.css' to the output dir
+STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'extra/custom.css']
+# Tell Pelican to change the path to 'static/custom.css' in the output dir
+ 'extra/custom.css': {'path': 'static/custom.css'}
+### Pygments
+You can choose the syntax highlighting style by using the `PYGMENTS_STYLE` variable to specify one of the built-in Pygments styles. By default the `native` style is used. The following styles are avaiable:
+- autumn
+- borland
+- bw
+- colorful
+- default
+- emacs
+- friendly
+- fruity
+- manni
+- monokai
+- murphy
+- native
+- pastie
+- perldoc
+- solarizeddark
+- solarizedlight
+- tango
+- trac
+- vim
+- vs
+- zenburn
+For a demo of the different Pygment styles, have a look [here](
+### Pagination
+Pelican-Bootstrap3 follows the standard Pagination settings of Pelican and uses the Bootstrap3 [Pagination component](, but you can optionally use the Boostrap3 _Pager_ by setting `USE_PAGER` to `True`.
+### Site Brand
+You can provide a logo for your site using `SITELOGO`. For example: `SITELOGO = 'images/my_site_logo.png'`. You can then define the size of the logo using `SITELOGO_SIZE`. The `width` of the `<img>` element will be set accordingly.
+By default the `SITENAME` will be shown as well. It's also possible to hide the site name using the `HIDE_SITENAME` flag.
+### Breadcrumbs
+It's possible to show breadcrumbs in your site using the `DISPLAY_BREADCRUMBS` flag. By default the article category isn't shown in the breadcrumbs, if you wish to enable it, set the `DISPLAY_CATEGORY_IN_BREADCRUMBS` flag to _True_.
+### Navbar
+If you wish to use the inverse navbar from Bootstrap, set the flag `BOOTSTRAP_NAVBAR_INVERSE` to _True_.
+### Related Posts
+This theme has support for the [Related Posts plugin]( All you have to do, is enable the plugin, and the theme will do the rest.
+### Series
+This theme supports the [Series plugin]( If you enable the plugin you will find in the footer the links to the previous and next articles in the series.
+You may customize the header of this list setting the `SERIES_TEXT` variable, which can also include the `index` and `name` variables. The first is the index of the current article in the series (starting from 1) and the second is the name of the series. The default string is `Part %(index)s of the %(name)s series`.
+You may display on the sidebar the link to the previous and next article in the series setting `DISPLAY_SERIES_ON_SIDEBAR` to `True`.
+You may display information on the series just under the article title setting `SHOW_SERIES` to `True`.
+### IPython Notebook support
+This theme supports including IPython notebooks through the [Liquid Tags plugin]( If you enable the plugin, the theme will automatically include the right CSS/JS to make the notebooks work.
+### Favicon
+Set the `FAVICON` option in your ``. For example: `FAVICON = 'images/favicon.png'`
+### Index page
+* If `DISPLAY_ARTICLE_INFO_ON_INDEX` is set to _True_, article info (date, tags) will be show under the title for each article, otherwise only title and summary will be shown (default).
+### Short menu labels for pages
+By default, the title of a page is used both for showing the title as
+part of a page's content, and, if pages in menu is enabled, as the
+label of the corresponding menu item. You can choose a different label
+for the menu (such as a short single word) than the page title by adding a
+Menulabel metadata attribute to the page header (`Menulabel:` in
+markdown, `:Menulabel:` in rst).
+### About Me
+You can show a short blurb of text about yourself and a picture. The following two settings are used for this:
+* Your 'About Me' paragraph will be whatever the `ABOUT_ME` variable is set to (raw html is allowed)
+* Your avatar can be set by pointing the `AVATAR` variable to the relevant picture (e.g. 'images/profile.png')
+### Sidebar options
+The following things can be displayed on the sidebar:
+* **Social links** can be provided through the `SOCIAL` variable. If it's empty, the section will not be shown
+ * In your `` provide your social links like this:
+SOCIAL = (('twitter', ''),
+ ('linkedin', ''),
+ ('github', ''),)
+* **Tags** will be shown if `DISPLAY_TAGS_ON_SIDEBAR` is set to _True_. Normally, tags are shown as a list.
+ * Set `DISPLAY_TAGS_INLINE` to _True_, to display the tags inline (ie. as tagcloud)
+* **Categories** will be shown if `DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_SIDEBAR` is set to _True_
+* **Recent Posts** will be shown if `DISPLAY_RECENT_POSTS_ON_SIDEBAR` is set to _True_
+ * Use `RECENT_POST_COUNT` to control the amount of recent posts. Defaults to **5**
+To remove the sidebar entirely, set `HIDE_SIDEBAR` to _True_.
+### reStructuredText styles
+If you're using reStructuredText for writing articles and pages, you can include the extra CSS styles that are used by the `docutils`-generated HTML by setting `DOCUTIL_CSS` to True. This can be done as a global setting or setting it in the metadata of a specific article or page.
+### Disqus comments
+* This theme sets identifiers for each article's comment threads. If you are switching from a theme that doesn't (such as the Pelican built-in default) this will result in existing comments getting lost. To prevent this, set DISQUS_NO_ID to _True_.
+* Set DISQUS_ID_PREFIX_SLUG to _True_ if you have configured your article URLs such that the slug alone will likely not be unique. Ignored if DISQUS_NO_ID is _True_.
+* You can also enable Disqus comments for pages. This is a per-page setting you can control by adding a field `comments` to you pages' metadata. Set it to _enabled_ to enable comments for that page. Comment-threads for pages will have an id that is prefixed by 'page-'.
+* To show Disqus comment counts on the index page, set DISQUS_DISPLAY_COUNTS to _True_.
+### Content license
+You can optionally declare a [Creative Commons license]( for the content of your site. It will appear in the site's footer. To enable, use one of the following two ways for configuration.
+* To choose the license by name, set `CC_LICENSE` to the common abbreviated name of the license: `"CC-BY"` (require attribution), `"CC-BY-SA"` (require ShareAlike), `"CC-BY-ND"` (NoDerivatives) , `"CC-BY-NC"` (require attribution, no commercial reuse), `"CC-BY-NC-SA"` (require ShareAlike, no commercial reuse), or `"CC-BY-NC-ND"` (NoDerivatives, no commercial reuse).
+* Alternatively, choose the licence by features:
+ * `CC_LICENSE_DERIVATIVES` - `"yes"` if permitted, `"no"` if not permitted, and `"ShareAlike"` if derivatives must be shared under the same terms.
+ * `CC_LICENSE_COMMERCIAL` - `"yes"` if commercial reuse is permitted, and `"no"` otherwise.
+* Optionally, you can include attribution markup in the license mark by setting `CC_ATTR_MARKUP` to _True_.
+The license choice mirrors the [Creative Commons License Chooser]( Source for the macro that renders the mark is at
+### GitHub
+The theme can show your most recently active GitHub repos in the sidebar. To enable, provide a `GITHUB_USER`. Appearance and behaviour can be controlled using the following variables:
+### Facebook Open Graph
+In order to make the Facebook like button and other social sharing options work better, the template contains Open Graph metatags like `<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>`. You can disable them by setting `USE_OPEN_GRAPH` to _False_. You can use `OPEN_GRAPH_FB_APP_ID` to provide a Facebook _app id_.
+You can also provide a default image that will be passed as an Open Graph tag by setting `OPEN_GRAPH_IMAGE` to a relative file path, which will be prefixed by your site's base url. Optionally, you can override this default image on a per article and per page basis, by setting the `og_image` variable in an article or page.
+### Twitter Cards
+The theme supports [Summary Twitter Cards]( To activate the necessary tags set `TWITTER_CARDS` to `True`. Because _Twitter Cards_ also use Open Graph tags to identify some of the necessary metadata, `USE_OPEN_GRAPH` must also be set to `True` (which is the default).
+You can optionally provide a `TWITTER_USERNAME` which will be used to set the Twitter username for the site and for the content creator.
+The same image options for Open Graph (see above) can be used for setting images that appear on Twitter Cards. So if you have set an `OPEN_GRAPH_IMAGE` and optionally `og_image` for articles and/or pages, you're good to go for Twitter Cards as well.
+### Twitter Timeline
+The theme can show your twitter timeline in the sidebar. To enable, provide a `TWITTER_USERNAME` and a `TWITTER_WIDGET_ID`.
+To get a `TWITTER_WIDGET_ID`, go to: and select `Create new`. You'll find the TWITTER_WIDGET_ID under the html or in the site url:
+### AddThis
+You can enable sharing buttons through [AddThis]( by setting `ADDTHIS_PROFILE` to your AddThis profile-id. This will display a **Tweet**, **Facebook Like** and **Google +1** button under each post.
+* AddThis automatically adds a short hashtag to the end of your URLs. This lets you reveal how often visitors copy your URL from their address bar to share. Example of URL: ``. This function can be disabled by setting `ADDTHIS_DATA_TRACK_ADDRESSBAR` to _False_.
+* All social buttons are enabled by default. You can disable certain button by setting following properties to _False_: `ADDTHIS_FACEBOOK_LIKE`, `ADDTHIS_TWEET`, `ADDTHIS_GOOGLE_PLUSONE`.
+### Footer
+The footer will display a copyright message using the AUTHOR variable and the year of the latest post. If a content license mark is enabled (see above), that will be shown as well.
+## Live example
+[This is my website](
+If you want more examples of what you could do with this theme, have a [look here](
+## Screenshot